What is Alt Key Input

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  • Dec 3rd, 2008

We use Alt key for checking the ASCI inputs. We have to hold alt key and type the asci number it will display the character.

Note- it will not work with the top row num keys.

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I think all of us know the keyboard of our computer is having 2 ALT buttons, this can be used to type or give the input as a conjuctional word, find the some of the examples below.

ALT CodeCharacterALT CodeCharacterALT CodeCharacterALT CodeCharacterALT CodeCharacter
ALT + 1ALT + 65AALT + 129üALT + 197ALT + 0136ˆ
ALT + 2ALT + 66BALT + 130éALT + 198ãALT + 0137
ALT + 3ALT + 67CALT + 131âALT + 199ÃALT + 0138Š
ALT + 4ALT + 68DALT + 132äALT + 200ALT + 0139
ALT + 5ALT + 69EALT + 132äALT + 201ALT + 0140Œ
ALT + 6ALT + 70FALT + 133àALT + 202ALT + 0141?
ALT + 7ALT + 71GALT + 134åALT + 203ALT + 0142?
ALT + 8ALT + 72HALT + 135çALT + 204ALT + 0145
ALT + 9ALT + 73IALT + 136êALT + 205ALT + 0146
ALT + 10ALT + 74JALT + 137ëALT + 206ALT + 0147


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In Windows OS, the Alt key can be used to access special characters that are not available on a typical keyboard.  For example, holding down Alt while typing 0169 with num lock active displays the copyright symbol:

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