If you add a new object or a new module for the existing application then how will you test the application?

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  • Oct 28th, 2007

First we will test the functionality of the new object or new module and then test the new object functionality with respect to other old functionalities in the application i.e, whether the data flow between the modules are fine or not. 

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We have followed below steps.

1. First need to review the requirements, then need to prepare the test cases for new object/module

2. Need to review the test cases by TL, if sign off then can go for execution

3. After completing the Routine testing ,need to do the integration testing ( of course supposed to do by dev team, but we r also involved into this)

4. Need to do the system testing, E2E testing by TL

5. If found any issues then same story, repoting , retesting and regression testing


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Prepare Test case for the below criteria and get approvel from TL/TM and start execution.
1. Test the Functionality of the New Object or New module.
2. Test the Integration of the Objects or Modules.
3. Test the Affected area, if the module is for adding a new user registraiton, check the same for the modify page.
4. Test the API, Navigation and the interface.
5. Test the page titles, urls, etc...
6. Verify & Validate where ever necessary.
7. Test the Action(Submit, Cancel, Update etc..)

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  • Sep 6th, 2009

One of the important testing technique to test the new object is

"Map and test all the ways to edit the new object": The object can be accessed/edited/change the status either by accessing directly or through 'n' number of possible ways, we have to have test cases for all the 'n' of ways.

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  • Apr 19th, 2010

First we would test the functionality on the feature introduced, Then do a regression testing, ensure that there is no problem with collaboration of new feature into the product and then release it.


  • Oct 20th, 2011

@ srinivasulub1981

Integration testing is very much QA's responsibility. Not sure if the company you work for makes dev's do the integration testing. If yes, then include such specifics, otherwise you are misleading the audience.

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  • Oct 20th, 2011

Adding to all the correct answers above:

First you perform functional, UI and integration testing on the newly introduced feature/component. In case there are no major bugs you move a step forward to perform regression and system testing. End-to end business cases will be covered under system testing. You conduct system testing to make sure the new feature/component fits right in the application without any bugs.

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