Have you done any Test Co-ordination? Explain. As a test engineer how can one co-ordinate a testing process.

Questions by smocking_rock

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Feb 25th, 2008


Your question is very open ended. Can you please let me know what exactly you are looking in terms of Test Coordination?

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  • Feb 28th, 2008

According to my knowledge, Test co-ordination is co-operation between the teams, their may be many methods of Test co-ordination.
 for eg. Test co - ordination on executing the test cases, while preparing the test plans and so on.

As a test engineer,  he can co ordinate  in involving from the initial stage to end stage
ie., from the preparation of test plan/ cases, review of test plan/cases,executing the test plan/cases.

it depends upon the companies. The test engineer can co - ordinate with his coleague in executing the test case giving some solution to it, or the method to follow, or the changes he must do for the test process to complete, and in duration of shortage of dates, he can help him with the executing of test cases so on

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There are many ways for a test engineer to co-ordinate a testing process. Test Coordination occurs when a test engineer actively works with a cross-functional group within the company in order to prepare for testing operations.  For example, the tester may need to coordinate with Lab Ops to ensure the test environment and test tools are is set up properly and functional.  The project may require additional testers.  If so, then the test engineer may need to coordinate this aspect of testing with the Human Services department.  Of course, additional resources requires a budget, so the test engineer will need to coordinate this with QA's upper level management.  Test coordination may involve marketing, legal, and any other group in the company that has vested interest in the test project, and it includes any group that provides deliverables to complete the project.

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