Write Test cases for Traffic Signal

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  • Member Since Apr-2008 | May 12th, 2010

Test cases on the Traffc Signal

1- There should be three signal light (Red,Yellow,Green) also there should be provision to have a left and right arrow signal.
2- At a time only one stright and aadjacent left direction should have green signal on.
3- There should be duration of 5 second after completation of Green signal.
4- At the time of Green signal the Zebra cross signal should be red.
5- There should a provision when all the signal should be closed and only zebra crossing is allowed.
6- To make sure the visibility of the signal the height of the signal pole should be grater than 10 feet.
7- There should be provision to allow maual control if it is not a digitally controled.
8- Each and every signal should have time meter in the decreasing order.
9- There should be power backup provided to the signal.
10- The intensity of the signal light should be brighter and should not be dull.

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers


  • Nov 30th, 2007

verify if the traffic lights are having three lights(green,yellow,red)
verify that the lights turn on in a sequence
verify that lights turn on in a sequence based on time specified(greenlight-1min,yellowlight10sec,redlight 1 min)
verify that only one light glows at a time
verify if the speed of the Traffic light can be accelerated as time specified based on the traffic
verify if the traffic lights in some spots are sensor activated.


  • Jan 31st, 2008

Here it is:-

1. verify that signal has 3 coloured-red,green,yellow light
2. Power suppy is proper to it
3. Three lights work On n Off properly
4. Lights glow n dim in standard sequence
5. lights glow for specified time interval - red 1min, yello 10 sec n green 1 min
6. only one green light is On at a time on signal.

I think these would be suffice to test.


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Test cases for Traffic Signal

1.Check whether the traffic board has 3 colour of lights
2.Check whether in the 3 set of light it should be red,green,orange colour lights
3.Check whether at a time only one light is to be glown
4.Check whether the light is visible on the day time also
5.Check whether the orange light should be displayed after 10pm to morning 6 am

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  • May 12th, 2010

Test cases on the Traffc Signal

1- There should be three signal light (Red,Yellow,Green) also there should be provision to have a left and right arrow signal.
2- At a time only one stright and aadjacent left direction should have green signal on.
3- There should be duration of 5 second after completation of Green signal.
4- At the time of Green signal the Zebra cross signal should be red.
5- There should a provision when all the signal should be closed and only zebra crossing is allowed.
6- To make sure the visibility of the signal the height of the signal pole should be grater than 10 feet.
7- There should be provision to allow maual control if it is not a digitally controled.
8- Each and every signal should have time meter in the decreasing order.
9- There should be power backup provided to the signal.
10- The intensity of the signal light should be brighter and should not be dull.

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Test cases for T-Signal1. Ensure that T-signal is working fine on Power.2. Ensure that all 3 colors are glowing at frequent time.3. Ensure Red light should glow after the yellow light off.4. Ensure that yellow light should glow for 5 sec(specification) at peak hours.5. Ensure that Green light should glow after the Red light off.6. Check the time settings for each color lights.7. Ensure that no 2 color(Green, Red), (REd,Yellow), (Green, Yellow) lights or 3 color (Red,Green,Yellow)lights should not glow at same time.

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