How many Test cases involve in the Date field? and What are the steps to be taken?

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  • Nov 30th, 2007

Verify if the datefield has default sysdate.
verify by giving an valid date,validmonth and valid year
verify by giving invalid date(say 32) ,valid month,and valid year
verify by giving valid date(20) with invalid month and a valid year
verify by giving invalid date(say 30) for valid month(feb) ,valid year
verify by giving valid date,valid  month and invalid year

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for date filed we need to write test cases for following conditions

*Date should be default sys date if required.

*it should accept mm/dd/yyyy format

*mm should ragne from 1-12 value less than 1 and >= 13 are invalid

*dd should range from 1-31 value less than 1 and >=32 invalid

*simillarly year should be calculated correctly

*leap year validation should work correctly

Requirement is for date field month/date/year
Test cases for Date field:

1. Check whether the first value we are giving is accepted as month.
2. Check whether the second value we are giving is accepted as date.
3. Check whether the third value we are giving is accepted as year.
4. Check whether the month field cannot accept zero and null
5. Check whether the month field accept only upto 12th numeric character
6. Check whether the month field cannot accept more than 12th numeric characters
7. Check whether the day field cannot accept zero and null
8. Check whether the day field accept only upto 31st numeric character
9. Check whether the day field cannot accept more than 31st numeric characters
10. Check whether the year cannot accept zero and null
11. Check whether the year can accept only in 4 digit numeric characters
12. Check whether when the month is in 2 it can accept the date only upto 28

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