What is the difference between Outlook & Outlook Express?What is IP range in networking side? How we will troubleshoot Outlook?How we will configure LDAP on Outlook?

Questions by rajeevsoniji

Showing Answers 1 - 48 of 48 Answers


  • Dec 20th, 2007

Express Version is Limited features cannot work with the exchange server use POP as a protocol.
Outlook is Fully featured version and you can customize as you want. Work with email servers. Also you can used Ldap servers.


  • Sep 23rd, 2008

Outlook Express is a POP3- and IMAP-compatible mail client with a built-in newsreader. It is available with Internet Explorer for Windows or as a stand-alone client.

Outlook is also an email client, but unlike Outlook Express, it is also a personal information manager. We can use it for viewing and maintaining calendars, organizing contacts, and managing tasks. When we use it with an Exchange server account, you can use it for group scheduling and sharing your contacts and tasks with others.

Outlook Express is a part of Internet Explorer.

Here are some feature of outlook that outlook express does not have -

1)  Calendar

2)  E-mail Rules & Filter

3)  Shedual Task

4)  Public folder.

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Outlook Express is a part of IE ( Internet Explorer )  This is a default software in Windows OS .

Outlook is third part software e.g of Microsoft Outlook of Windows 2002, XP, 2003,2007

Hear sone kind of features of Outlook that Outlook Express does not have.,

1)  Calender

2)  E-mail filtering & rules

3)  Forms

4)   Sheduling

Configuration Steps of LDAP on Outlook -

open your outlook - go to Tool - go to E-mail account - click on E- mail account  than E-mail account promt will be open - go to directory - click check box of Add a new directory or Address Book - click next - here you can configure LDAP Service on your Outlook.

You can trobuleshoot outlook by take Help on Outlook task bar.

Microsoft Outlook can store more data. it's format of *.pst .it
used SMTP protocol we can used. spell check, notepad, remainder is present in version of MS-OFFICE XP, 2003, 2007. It's used
as Microsoft application.
Outlook configures with Microsoft office products. Outlook express format *.dbx...and ver of 5.0,5.5.& 6...it's
equivalent of IE ver. spell checker, calc, notepad is NOT here. less data can be used.
It's uses POP3 & SMTP Protocols. incoming mail POP3 & Outgoing mail SMTP

IP Range
1-126 Class A subnet mask
128-191 Class B subnet mask
192-223 Class C subnet mask
224-241 Class D subnet mask
242-254 Class E


  • Aug 22nd, 2011

above mention ip range is wrong
1-126 Class A subnet mask
128-191 Class B subnet mask
192-223 Class C subnet mask
224-239 Class D subnet mask
240-254 Class E

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  • Sep 11th, 2011

Above IP range is also wrong correct is : to to to to to

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  • Sep 16th, 2011

above mention ip range is wrong
1-126 Class A subnet mask
128-191 Class B subnet mask
192-223 Class C subnet mask
224-239 Class D subnet mask
240-254 Class E

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  • Sep 19th, 2011

above mention ip range is wrong

1-127* Class A subnet mask *(Network 127 is reserved or loopback and internal testing)
128-191 Class B subnet mask
192-223 Class C subnet mask (Reserved for multicast)
224-239 Class D subnet mask (Reserved for experimental, used for research)
240-255 Class E

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  • Oct 10th, 2011

192-223 Class C subnet mask (Reserved for multicast)

This is class c ip address & used for small network.

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Sachin Rathod

  • Oct 13th, 2011

Class A, B, C's are main which used for networks in that classes we have valid hosts and networks so with the help of this classes we are planning new or exciting networks. Class D is used for multi casting and Class E used for R&D.

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  • Nov 17th, 2011

class C address is not reserved for multicasting class D is reserved for multicasting the range starts from 224-239 and class E is reserved for R&D purpose

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Yogesh Kumar

  • Apr 30th, 2012

Outlook is the edition of Microsoft Office (Outlook file Extension is .pst) & Outlook Express is the edition of Internet Explorer (Outlook Express file Extension is .dbx).

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  • Sep 30th, 2012

Guys have done a gr8 job, nothing else left to be answered..

I just wanna say:
Gilbert, Hitesh & Syed_nrpt has provided wrong set of answers.

Everyone else (Upto my this post/msg) is right about IP range.

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tausif arif

  • Jan 9th, 2014

class A: (0 is not usable and 127 is used for loopback and internal testing)
class B:
class C:
class D: (used for multicasting purpose. example: switches)
class E: (used for research and experimental purpose)

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  • Jun 12th, 2014

Microsoft Outlook can store more data. its format of *.pst .it
used SMTP protocol we can used. spell check, notepad, remainder is present in version of MS-OFFICE XP, 2003, 2007. Its used
as Microsoft application.
Outlook configures with Microsoft office products. Outlook express format *.dbx...and ver of 5.0,5.5.& 6...its
equivalent of IE ver. spell checker, calc, notepad is NOT here. less data can be used.
Its uses POP3 & SMTP Protocols. incoming mail POP3 & Outgoing mail SMTP

IP Range
1-126 Class A subnet mask
128-191 Class B subnet mask
192-223 Class C subnet mask
224-241 Class D subnet mask
242-254 Class E

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Aryan shaikh

  • Jul 31st, 2014

Outlook is third part software e.g of Microsoft Outlook of Windows 2002, XP, 2003,2007 Hear sone kind of features of Outlook that Outlook Express does not have.,
1) Calender
2) E-mail filtering & rules
3) Forms
4) Scheduling Configuration Steps of LDAP on Outlook - Open your outlook
Go to Tool
Go to E-mail account
Click on E- mail account than E-mail account prompt will be open
Go to directory
Click check box of Add a new directory or Address Book Click next
Here you can configure LDAP Service on your Outlook.

You can troubleshoot outlook by take Help on Outlook task bar.

Microsoft Outlook can store more data. its format of *.pst .it
used SMTP protocol we can used. spell check, notepad, remainder is present in version of MS-OFFICE XP, 2003, 2007. Its used as Microsoft application.

Outlook configures with Microsoft office products. Outlook express format *.dbx...and ver of 5.0,5.5.& 6.
Its equivalent of IE version spell checker, calc, notepad is NOT here.
It uses POP3 & SMTP Protocols. incoming mail POP3 & Outgoing mail SMTP

About Network
Class A 1 to 126 Used for Network
Class B 128 to 191 Used for Network
Class C 192 to 223 Used for Network
Class D 224 to 239 Used for multi-casting
Class E 240 to 255 Used for research

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  • Jan 28th, 2015

outlook express is a preinstall email program that comes with the windows xp operating system, but outlook is software that is developed by microsoft and does not comes preinstalled.

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Vijay Fulara

  • Mar 24th, 2015

Outlook Express Choose Outlook Express if:
You require only Internet e-mail and newsgroup functionality (for versions of Windows later than Microsoft Windows 95, versions of Windows earlier than Microsoft Windows 95, Macintosh, and UNIX platforms).

You use or plan to use Office 98 for Macintosh, and you want to take advantage of the integration of Outlook Express with this version of the Office suite.

Choose Outlook if:
You require advanced Internet standards-based e-mail and discussion group functionality.

You require integrated personal calendars, group scheduling, task, and contact management.

You require integrated e-mail and calendaring, cross-platform clients for versions of Windows later than Microsoft Windows 95, versions of Windows earlier than Microsoft Windows 95, and Macintosh platforms.

You use, or plan to use Office 97, Office 2000, Office XP or Exchange Server and want to take advantage of the integration of Outlook with this version of the Office suite, and the integration with Exchange Server.

You require robust, integrated run-time and design-time collaboration capabilities.

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  • Jul 1st, 2015

1. In outlook Express Files will be saved in .DBX(Data Base Exchange) Format, But in Outlook Fill will be saved in .PST(Personal Storage Table) or .OST(Offline Storage Table) Format. 2. Outlook Express is a Free product its comes along with OS installation, but Outlook is a Microsoft Product so we need to purchase it. 3. In Outlook Express dont have any Additional Features, But Outlook Have some Additional Features like Address Book, Contacts, Reminders, etc..

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Ajay Yadav

  • Aug 6th, 2015

Below mentioed answer is correct for IP Range.

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