What will be the status in Test Director if you give "Suggestion" to the Developer?

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  • Oct 20th, 2007

Depends on what stage you suggest. As per my experience status of the defect does not change even when you suggest something to the Developer. You just add your comments in the Comments section of the defect.

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along with the Comments sections, There is field called TYPE .In that following items wil be available

1. Bug
2. Enhancement
3. Task

so here you can keep the status as Enhancement along adding comments

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I may not fully understand the question, but the term 'status' appears to be a misnomer.  When testers offer suggestions to developers, they typically relate to defects or improvements to the software development process.  Enhancement requests are meant for Business Analysts and not developers.  Test Director differentiates between 1) Bug, 2) Enhancement, and 3) Task so that the Project Manager knows how to efficiently direct corresponding reports. 

The answer to this question depends on its context.  Is the tester adding a suggestion in an already existing defect report or is the tester creating a newly opened enhancement request?   In the former case (defect report) the status does not change.  In the latter case (enhancement request) the status is assigned as 'Open' by default. 

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