What do you do when the developer disagrees with a failed test result?

Questions by indra_cse

Showing Answers 1 - 14 of 14 Answers


  • Aug 6th, 2007

I will follow below approach:

1. I send all the procedure to reproduce the defect.
2. I attach the screen shots as a proof.
3. If then also developer not accepting the bug, then I will ask my QA manager to permit formal discussion with developer, and I hope that discussion should be very friendly and output should be one conclusion.
4. If not, Then I will ask to my manager to arrange discussion in the presence of client and based on client's view and discussions it will get finalised.


  • Sep 25th, 2007

We take the screen shot of the concerned bug which helps to describe about the bug

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  • Oct 23rd, 2007

Here there are two cases.. is it that developer is not able to reproduce the bug
you have found or he is able to reproduce but is not accepting it as a bug
1st case: not able to reproduce:

You can include detail environment details screenshots etc.. what helps best are log files if can be generated to replay the steps..

2nd case: developer not accepting the error as bug:

Discuss the bug referring to the requirements (business or functional) which it is failing.. make sure
you include your TL and managers in this discussion so that every one is on same ground. some times requirements are not crystal clear and both the views looks logically acceptable in those cases TL or design team member should take up the issue to confirm with the client.



  • Nov 19th, 2007

The Best approach would be
1) Mention your enviornment details, Like your OS, Internet browser version, etc.....
2) Take screen shots.........
3) provide him with all the login steps in a word doument along with screen shots.

If he is still not accepting the defect or the system is functioning properly on his end. Discuss it with developer over live variance meeting may be he is missing some details ( This is the final step, priror to that you have to report it to you QA Manager).

My experience says its better to keep your manager in loop when communicating with developer on important variances.

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  • Dec 1st, 2007

The best approach would be to send a mail to developer with detailed descriptions of the test steps and screen shot of the bug, environmental specification, application version.If the developer still disagrees, then send a mail to project manager. IF the project manager  is convinced then the bug is assigned to the developer who then fixes the bug  followed by unit testing.
The Bug now resolved (fixed) is assigned to the tester who does regression testing  ...

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This will happens in below conditions.

a. Bug logged, dev rejected due to unavailability of clear steps or not able to reproduce.

      In this situation, we need to mention the clear steps along with a screen shot, even dev not satisfied then go directly and show him, if not possible then make a video call and confirm.

b. Bug logged, dev rejected even it's a bug.

   In this situation try to refer the req docs once again and make sure urself whether it's a really bug or not, if u believed it's surely a bug, then try to explain the things to dev, if he still doesn't listen then contact ur QA lead and ask him to escalate the issue to dev lead, if still problem is there then contact the Business anylist or client directly, other than that there is no solution in our hands.


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