I was asked how to implement the unix tail command in perl $ tail.pl t.txt 10 (display last 10 lines) I kind of managed with the simple ARRAY and they playing around with the $#Array etc. But they wanted without an array. Any inputs ?

Showing Answers 1 - 55 of 55 Answers


  • Oct 25th, 2007

This may not be accepted as well. But this can be done in numerous ways ! One way is here :

maintain a structure which stores the line number and the size of the file at that time.
eg 1 - 10bytes, 2 - 18 bytes ... you'll have to have a counter to increase the number of lines to find out the number of lines in the file. once you are through the file, you'll know the size of the file at any nth line. use sysseek to move the file pointer back to that position ( last 10 )and then start reading till the end.

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  • May 13th, 2008

Please try this capan module

  use File::Tail;
  while (defined($line=$file->read)) {
      print "$line";

  use File::Tail;
  $file=File::Tail->new(name=>$name, maxinterval=>300, adjustafter=>7);
  while (defined($line=$file->read)) {
      print "$line";

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  • Jun 10th, 2008

if we  will passed 2  argument , in that first is  filename  and  second  is no. of  last line then  u can use following  program :

#! /bin/perl


@array = <MYFILE> ;
#print @array ;
$numline = @array;
$numprintline = $numline - $ARGV[1] ;
while($numprintline != $numline)
        print "$array[$numprintline]" ;

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  • Jul 16th, 2008

my $count = $ARGV[1];  ---> the number of lines to be printed
while(<>) { ----> reading file passed as arg
my $x = $.;  -----> assigning line number to $x
if ( $count >= $x )
{ print "line number $x: $_n"; }
else { exit; }

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  • Nov 2nd, 2009

I think the point to not using arrays is the fact that loading large files in to an array is expensive.
$times = 10; # this is the number of lines

open(FILE, "$file") or die ("...");
seek(FILE, 0,2);
my $counter =0;
while ($counter < $times && seek(FILE, -2,1)) {
  read(FILE, $chr, 1);
  if ($chr eq "n") { $counter++ }

while (<FILE>) {


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  • Apr 13th, 2010

How about opening the file twice and get two filehandles, and then navigate:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Usage: $0 <filename> <count>
use warnings;
use strict;

open(FILE1,"$ARGV[0]") or die $!;
open(FILE2,"$ARGV[0]") or die $!;

my $count = $ARGV[1];

while($count--) {

while(<FILE1>) {

print <FILE2>;


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  • Dec 15th, 2010


if (@ARGV < 1) {
  die ("Usage: $0 filename [number of lines]n");
my $fileName = $ARGV[0];
# defaults to 5 lines if not set
my $noLines = $ARGV[1] || 5;

# Guess how many characters are in a line
my $bytesInLine = 128;
my $bytesInLines = $bytesInLine * $noLines;

open (FILE, "$fileName") or die ("Cannot read $fileNamen");

seek(FILE, 0,2);
my $maxBytes = tell(FILE);

my @fileLines;

my $passCount=0;
my $atBeginFile = 0;

# We want to get the full first line so we get number of lines + 1 
while (@fileLines < $noLines+1) {
  if (!seek(FILE, -1 * $bytesInLines,1)) {
    seek(FILE, 0,0);
    $atBeginFile = 1;
  @fileLines = <FILE>;
  $bytesInLines *= 2;
  # you passed the beginning of the file
  if ($atBeginFile) {
    # if the requested lines is above the actual file change it
    $noLines = @fileLines;
my $startIndex = @fileLines - $noLines;
@fileLines = splice(@fileLines, $startIndex,$noLines);
print @fileLines;
print "Tailed $noLines lines in $passCount passesn";

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Try this

use strict;
use warnings;

open(FH,"FILENAME") or die "$!";
while ()
print "n$.";
my $x= $. - 10;

close (FH);

open(FH,"FILENAME") or die "$!";
while ()
if ($.>=$x)
  print "$.->$_";

close (FH);

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puneet agrawal

  • Mar 29th, 2012

I think below answer is suitable.

  1. span style="color: #ff0000;">"imp.txt"$!"



  4. "

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  • Mar 29th, 2012

Open file, read and print until number of required lines is reached. Memory is saved by not slurping the entire file into an array.

  1. span style="color: #ff0000;">"tailing file $fileName for $lines lines...

  2. ""Could not open $fileName"

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  • Sep 16th, 2012

You can also try this :
Create two pointers and make them $count apart.
Move one of the pointer to EOF and keep simultaneously moving the other pointer so that it is $count before.
Now use the second pointer to print the last $count lines.

  1. #!/usr/bin/env perl

  2. "$ARGV[0]"$!"$ARGV[0]"$!#After this loop FILE1 points to line after $count

  3. #After this loop FILE1 points to EOF and FILE2 points $count before EOF

  4. #Print the last $count lines before EOF

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  • Nov 22nd, 2012

Just use .. opertor using array just check the length of the array minus with input give by the user
take a difference and do it sample code is below.


  2. #! /usr/bin/perl

  3. "Enter the number""

  4. "

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  • Aug 14th, 2013

  1. open(FILE, "tail -10f file1.txt |"

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  • Oct 15th, 2014

1) open the file
2) assign it to an array(each line will be an element)
3) Get the length of the array(L)
4) Starting from L-10 .. L , assign elements to another array @new = @old[L-10..L];
5) print the new array , separate elements by newline

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  • Oct 19th, 2014

  1. open(data, "<file.txt""<data>";}

  2. }

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  • Mar 6th, 2015

  1. #!/usr/bin/perl



  4. use warnings;


  6. use strict;


  8. open FILE, "test.txt""Last five lines:

  9. ", @last[-5 ... -1];

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  • Apr 1st, 2015

You can use File::Readbackwards or File::Tail Cpan modules to read file backwords

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  • Apr 18th, 2015

this may not be accepted as a right answer as we are directly using tail command instead of implementing it logically

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  • May 16th, 2015

  1. span style="color: #ff0000;">"@output";

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anirudh vikram

  • May 30th, 2015


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  • May 30th, 2015

The command-line solution is strict/warnings enabled. The first argument = number of lines to tail
The second argument is the filename of the file for which tailing is required.
Basic algo: keep chopping every line from the end & increment a counter. Stop when either of these 2
conditions are met : i) reached the beginning of file or ii) counter value exceeds the number of lines to be
perl -Mstrict -Mwarnings -le
($a, $_) = (shift||5, join"",<>); my($k, @A);
unshift @A, $1 while s/(.*)
$// && $k++ < $a;
print for @A;
num_of_lines_to_be_tailed file_to_be_tailed

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  • May 31st, 2015

Always keep the number of lines in array @A equal to $b.
Whenver, it crosses the threshold of ($b) clip from the top of array.
And at the end, print the array.
perl -lne BEGIN{ $b = shift; }
push @A, $_;
shift @A if @A > $b;
END { print for @A; } num_of_lines_to_tail yourfile

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  • Jun 4th, 2015

use the command "tail -10

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  • Jun 15th, 2015

You can do it in one liner

  1. span style="color: #0000ff;">$_$_

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  • Aug 1st, 2015

If its UNIX (ish) Env., use below

  1. #tail.pl

  2. #this will work for default behaviour of tail(i.e. last 10 lines), you can enhance it to tail certain no. of lines

  3. #usage : tail.pl <filename>

  4. #!/usr/bin/perl -w

  5. #take line count of file

  6. `wc -l $ARGV[0] | cut -d" " -f1`);

  7. #caculate which line to start printing from

  8. #if file is less than 10 lines, print everything else print last 10 lines

  9. $.

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