AMDOCS Questions


Aptitude Questions:-

1. How many times minute hand is faster than hour hand

Ans:- 12 times

2. Age questions.

Like A, B, C are sister...
Age differences are given between them and you are told to find the age

3. Relation questions.( like father-son)

4. All A are B, All C are not B

There are many of such questions.

5. Figurative questions.
Like what will be the next in sequence

In most of the questions a square is given, with some designs inside it.

The designs are either moving clock wise or anticlockwise

One was like a square has 4 white lines and 1 black line in it..than next 3 white ,2 black and so on.

Practice some of such type questions, which will help u in the test.


1. Test Language

A code is given with some spaces in between
U have to fill up the spaces with correct option, so that code would work correctly.

*******************Remember following points *******************

Print n --> for displaying n
read n --> for taking input n from terminal

main() ends with endmain
for ends with endfor
while ends with endwhile.

data types-->

Arithmetic operation between integer and real is always integer.

a = mod(b,10) --> a stores remainder
always integer
a = sqrt(b) --> a store square root of B
always integer
a = sizeof(b[ ]) --> a stores size of array.

a =XXX(b,2,3) ---> copy string b into a starting from 2nd position upto next 3.
xxx = i don't remember this.

for loop is like this

For i=1 to N step 1

Dont forget to revise palindrome, fibonaci programs of C.
This will help a lot.

2. Unix

Easy, basic UNIX COMMAND... read yeswant kanitkar book.. starting 5 chepters..

4-5 questins on general things like on protocols,TELNET ect.

kernel, 1-2 qs on TCP/IP, basic commands ( more on commands)

1. The syntax of command statement in UNIX 10. If the permission for a file is 000,then the file can be accessed by whom?
2. Where we can run two same programs on a UNIX console at the same time?
3. Which is the Shell of UNIX?
4. What is the number of the masked code ee@?
5. If we are terminated at the middle of the program execution in UNIX,what will happen to the program,it will (i) continue running
(ii) terminate
(iii)the o/p will be send to ur mail?
6. what is the command to connecto to remote terminals
7. what is the command to fetch first 10 records in a file
8. unix has the following features
a. multithreading
b. multitasking
c. ..


1. Qeustions were on files
2. Strings
3. What is default length of a variable in cobol.
4. Select statement in file conrol.
5. Comp1, Comp2, Comp3
6. Sort with input/output procedures

4. SQl

1. Joins
2. Union
3. Refrential Intergity
4. Syntax for table defination.
This question is related to AMDOC Interview

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers

1.The syntax of command statement in UNIX 10. If the permission for a file is 000,then the file can be accessed by whom?
Ans: root

2.  Where we can run two same programs on a UNIX console at the same time?
Ans: we can two programmes simulataneously in the background.

3.  Which is the Shell of UNIX?
Ans: Shell is a command line interpretter which accepts command from the user and executes them. It is the interface which actually understands what the user requires when he is firing a command

4.  What is the number of the masked code ee@?
Ans: Sorry don't know

5.  If we are terminated at the middle of the program execution in UNIX,what will  happen to the program, it will 
(i) continue running
(ii) terminate
(iii) the o/p will be send to your mail?

Ans : (ii) terminate

6.  what is the command to connect to remote terminals
Ans: rlogin, login, telnet, ssh numerous commands are there

7. what is the command to fetch first 10 records in a file
Ans: head -10

8. Unix has the following features
a. multithreading
b. multitasking
c. ..

Ans: multiuser
1. We are UPDATING a field in SQL and ALTER the row also.After giving the COMMIT command the system is crashed.What will happen to the commands given,whether it will UPDATE and ALTER the table or not?

Ans : It will update

Sukhdeep Singh

  • Jul 19th, 2012

Wat is the number of the masked code ee@?

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