Write 10 test cases for a program to increment an entered date in mm/dd/yyyy format by 1 day, the conditions are 1

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1 Date of Birth 1.1Make sure that drop down box should not be emptyShould not be empty
1.2Enter the characters in the date function Should not accept characters in the date function
1.3Enter Special Characters in "Date of Birth" text box Should not allow to enter Special Characters and a error message has to show i.e Alphabets and numerics
1.4Enter 000000 as a date.should not accept 000000 as a date.
1.5Enter more than 12 as the month value should not accept more than 12 as the month value
1.6Enter 0000 as a yearShould not accept 0000 a year
1.7Should take 30/31 days according to the month of the year Should accept 30/31 days according to the month of the year
1.8The present date shouldnot be less than other dates. Should not accept if present day less than other days
1.9Enter the characters in the month function Should accept characters in the month function
1.1Enter characters in the year function Should not accept characters in the year function

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  • May 31st, 2009

I assume the problem is not about validating the format of the date , but to increment the date.

so the main technique should be boundary value analysis.

I assume that a win/vb/web button is present to increment the date by 1.

So if the test cases are,

-If we increment any date between 1st and 27th it should increment by 1 in any given month.
-If the date is 28th then the following condition should be checked
    ~ whether the month is feb and the year is leap year(and corresponding expected results)
-If the current date is 29th then the following conditions should be checked
    ~ Whether the month is feb and the year is leap year (and corresponding expected results)
-If the current date is 30th then
    ~Whether the month is feb(incremented date is 1st march)
    ~Whether the month is Jan,Mar,May,Jul,Aug,Oct,Dec (and increment the date(i.e 31) with same month, otherwise the date is 1st and month is next month)

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Test Cases 

1.Check whether when the program runs evertime it adds one day to the corresponding date

2.Check it must go to next month of the year when it reaches end of the curent year by verifying with system date

3.Check whether it moves to next year while it is in last day of the particular year 

4.Check whether it cannot accept more than 29 on february month

5.Check whether the month having 30 days after that it must move to next month 

6.Check it cannot accept when it reaches after 9999 in year

7.Check whether it reaches to 1 while it is running on 12 in month

8.Check it cannot jumps from date to date or from year to year or month to month i.e when it is rubnning in 20 then it must move to 21 not to 23 or others

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