What is a window?

 A  window,  by itself  ,  can  be  thought  of  as an empty frame. The frame provides a way to interact with the window, including the ability to scroll, move,  and  resize  the  window.  The  content  of  the  window i.e. what is displayed inside the frame is determined by the canvas View or canvas-views displayed in the window at run-time.

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Feb 5th, 2007

A window is going to consider if it is having menimise button,maximise button,close button

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  • Feb 13th, 2008

For a canvas and its items to be visible, it must be assigned to a window. By the same token, for a window to be visible, it must contain at least one canvas. Therefore, canvases and windows rely on each other to make themselves and other Forms objects appear to the user. Like any other physical object in Forms, windows have properties that determine their size and position. Under the Functional property category, they have a series of window-specific properties that determine whether or not the window can be minimized, resized, closed, and so on. There are two styles of windows in Forms: document and dialog. Document windows are commonly used for data entry and query screens; they are the main windows in an application. Dialog windows are used to deliver messages, display lists, or present the user with a specific task. On Microsoft Windows operating systems, there is a third style of window called the Multiple Document Interface (MDI) window. The MDI window serves as a parent window to all of the other windows in a form.

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