How to test Maintenance project and what is the difference between the Maintenance project and project?

Questions by vamsi.testing

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Maintainanace project: A project is already developed completely and it is in production, Issues are posted from production and support team from client analyses the issues and assigns the same to be fixed on offshore. So testing of such issues has to be done after the fixing of the issue according to the expectation and requiremenr specs provided by the client. Inorder to ensure effective testing - Tester need to describe the scenarios that were tested (when there are no testcases provided for the same)

Project - Means a complete fresh project which starts from requirements and has all the phases of SDLC - requirements, design, development and testing. Here tester goes through all the phases of testing life cycle.

Hope this answers your question.

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Maintenance project soemhow been handled in "Agile mode". As by word maintenance, we actually are maintening our original product, where customer is facing/dealing with any problem, any inconsistency, any additional requirement, or any business need in term of new feature. There are no prior plans, no formal analysis, no data flows, no relationsal diagrams. we just utilize already available resources and start working on maintenance projects (which majorly base on your prior experience and product knowledge).

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  • Feb 19th, 2008

No Shahid , its not necessary that maintenance projects handeled in Agile Mode...In Agile methodology u have some requirements and u start the project with those req. and then u keeps on adding and changing the req. accordi ng to the need of project n business. ....but in maintainance project u have already build the project and now u r maintaining that project and if you got any bug in that project u send it to developers and they fix that bug and u test the project again...and if the client demands to add some new features in the projects then u can add new req. but for these reqirements SDLC life cycle will be followed. and its not necessaary that it is agile always.

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Maintenanace Project is something which has already moved to production and based on client inputs there are some changes or suggestions on the product.

Project is a fresh project which with start from scratch, right from requirement gathering to designing, coding and all other phases of sdlc.

Type of testing involved in Maintenance Project: Mostly we should make sure that change is requirement  has been implemeted or not. We should check for the core functionaly and then perform Regression Testing on the product.

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 A project means a type of software to delever to client whereas maintenance comes after delevering the product. To keep that software uptodate according to the requirment. genearally retesting is involve here. It means testing of changes made in project according to the requirment

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