What is the Database Verification? What type of information would you look at in the Database?

Questions by irinak   answers by irinak

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  • Nov 22nd, 2007

When we are testing an Application we may enter some inputs. We have to check whether the inputs are stored in the Database or not. Ex: if you store any Person details and save, when you login next time those details should be shown in DB. So verifiying DB we cal as DB testing.
What information we have to check is Execute the table and check first the values had fall into the Table or not. 2ndly we check character size. (ex: in front application we give 30 char and DB accepts only upto 25 characters. means it will be an Issue)

This way we test DB as per our requirements needed for the application.

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Database verification is a process of testing the database. In which you run some queries to see if the data has been processed correctly or not. For example: Say that you purchased a dell laptop, you submit all your information like Last name, First name, Address and some more details of yours to the dell customer service. But actually in the backend your information is going into the dell database.

So now as a part of QAtesting we do database verfication i.e., run some queries (SQL) to look up data in the database.


  • Dec 9th, 2007

The information that is entered in the front end shd be saved in the (backend)database as database is the placeholder of data.
In database verification we check for data validity(by executing sql queries)
data intergrity( by checking for refrential intergrity and constraints)
performance of the server
and verifying stored procedures and triggers  and its functions

for eg in online shopping webapplication
whenever an item is ordered online   then the data in the backend at the ordertable shd be updated and the itenaryitem table shd be correspondingly updated reflecting in the decrease of an item.

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  • Dec 27th, 2007

Verify that all information is being entered correctly. Sometimes on international programs, there are problems with dates format.
Then nother big point to test is to see the reference problems, sometimes a user is able to enter for example a zip code without a city related to it, and it may cause a reference problem.
Test updates and deletes, to see if unnecesary data is being removed. Sometimes an action saves to much information and never deletes it, with the time the DB will grow.

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