How to plan testing in the absence of requirements?

Questions by Navita

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers


  • Jul 20th, 2007

We have to go for the exploratory testing in the absence of the requirements. for that you have to Interact with the client, you should have domain knowledge and based on your previous experience.

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rafi is right ,in simple words to say, when requirements are not their u can go ahead and do exploratory testing, understand the application and write test cases, any queries u can always revert back to development team or customer 

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  • Sep 25th, 2009

In the absence of requirements, Testing team/Tester can plan for testing.  The first thing he/she should do collect the information, details regarding the applicaton.  
Who are the users of the application? Collect details business process from the Customer/Developers/BA.  Ask questions to the end user, Customer.  

Now a days internet is also a good source for the information collection one can collect the details from the internet also by searching. 

Collect the details and based on the same you can plan for testing in the absence of requirements.

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Test can do the following in the absence of requirements:

1) Discover why there are no requirements and manage test resources based on the answers.  Perhaps the company doesn't care much about the application and doesn't want to devote resources to develop requirements.  Or, maybe the company places a great deal of value on the application but doesn't have the resources to produce requirements.  In each case, test resources will approach the project differently. 

2) Gather information from business sources who have knowledge of the application.

3) Gather information from end users / customers.

4) Conduct exploratory testing while authoring questions to direct to the Business Analyst (or other stakeholders who are responsible for setting requirements).
5) Conduct customer useability testing.  Let potential customers use the program and get their opinions.

6) If there are no requirements because the Business Analyst (BA) is overloaded, test resources can be used to extract requirements from the application.  Though this is backwards, it can still produce the desired results if testers work closely with the BA throughout the process.  I have done this several times throughout my career as a tester.

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