What is the basic difference between user acceptance & beta testing when both testing are done by end user.

Questions by t_arunvarshney

Showing Answers 1 - 22 of 22 Answers


  • May 21st, 2007

UAT(User Acceptance Testing) is categorised into 2 ,
1) Alpha Testing: Alpha testing is performed at the developing organization’s site.
2) Beta Testing: Beta testing, or field testing, is performed by people at their own locations. Both are performed by potential customers, not the developers of the product.

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sandeep kumar

  • Nov 23rd, 2007

Beta Testing as u know this testing conducted in customer place without the presence of developer.

UAT this is the last testing is done before delivery to the customer. Once it has been completed its understood that the customer accepting and he is going to use for real time

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  • Jan 3rd, 2008

-Beta testing is the external testing process in which the software is dent out to potential customers who use it in a real world environment. Beta testing usually occurs toward the end of the developementcycle.should be a vallidation that the software is ready to release.
-UAT is done by customeror his aagent. some uat do more verification, others do more validation. uat is always black box testing.

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User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is categorised into 2 types Viz..,

1) Alpha Testing: Alpha testing is performed at the developing organization.
2) Beta Testing: Beta testing, or field testing, is performed by people at their own locations. Both are performed by potential customers, not the developers of the product.

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  • Jan 30th, 2008

User Acceptance Testing(UAT):

- It is a testing done basically by the client or the client representative whether to accept the product or not.
- To check if the product is designed as per the business requirements specified by the client.
- It is the final stage of the project.

Beta Testing:
- Versions of Software, known as beta versions are released to limited audiance outside the company. It  is released to groups of people so that further testing can ensure the product has few faults or bugs. It is made available to the open public to get the feedback on the software.

acceptance testing is a broad term. contains apha testing and beta testing. alpha testing is first phase of acceptance testing where as beta testing is last phase and generally done bu end user.

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  • Jun 10th, 2008

User Acceptance Testing: The goal of acceptance testing is to establish confidence in the system. Acceptance testing is focuses on validation type of testing, determine whether the system is fit for purpose. Finding defects should not be the main focus in acceptance testing. 
 Beta testing:  Tests take place at the customer’s site (under real world working conditions).

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if testing is conducted on an application in the presence of customer then it is known as User Acceptance Testing.

this type of testing is done by customer or representatives of customer.

UAT Testing Cosists of 2 types, Alpha and Beta Testing

Alpha Testing is conducted at Development Site 

Beta Testing is conducted at Client's Location

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Usually User Acceptance Testing is done before releasing the product at developers - place in the presence of Client and relevant people like tester, developer, architect,.. and where as Beta is done after the release and also in the absence of Tester and other related people and there is a possibility of Bug leakage in case of any bugs and is done with different test data and their test cases.

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