What are the contents that go into the object model and domain model during GAP analysis. how are the AS-IS and To-BE system documentation prepared

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  • Jun 9th, 2007

When performing analysis between an existing system (AS-IS) and its desired future state (TO-BE) you could take into account all aspects/dimensions.

Having said that, I realize that this approach may not always be practical nor necessary.  So you should probably determine the focus of your gap analysis by answering the following questions:
- What are they key characteristics of the system?
- What do you know about the existing system?

For example, if your system is workflow centric then it would probably be very beneficial to focus on the differences in workflow and document them by creating a workflow diagram which focuses on the differences.

On the other hand - if the only documentation you have of the existing system is a list of requirements then you should start by identifying he requirement gaps.

So getting back to the domain model....

If you are doing a Domain Model gap analysis focus on and document the following:
- Differences in business entities (new entities, entities no longer needed, etc.)
- Differences in entity relationships (diffs in types of relationships, diffs in multiplicities, etc.)
- Differences in attributes for a given entity (new attributes, attributes no longer needed, etc.)
- Differences in methods/behavior

Hope this helps!
- Adrian


  • Sep 3rd, 2007

When I did GAP analysis I have considered some of the following criteria to show the gap between AS-IS and TO-BE:

1. Technical (technology ex. language and database etc)
2. Functional (all major functionalities and performance)
3. Industry Standard (what is the trend in the industry for similar system. example Basel II project. every investment bank are going through this system)
4. Compliance Standard(checking if the system is following/including all current regulations. ex Reg SHO (for short sale regulation forced investment banks change their process for short sale)
5. Future Needs.

Hope this info helps!


  • Sep 3rd, 2007

The GAP Analysis can be done using following criterias for AS-IS and TO-BE systems:

1.Technical -what kind of technologies and tools been used in the systems.(ex language and database and check if these are outdated technologies)
2.Functional (current and required major functionality of the system (usability or performance related issues)
3.User (user advancement. are user prepared to accept advance technologies)
4.Industry Standard (what is the current industry standard in similar system or process)
5.Compliance standard (check if the existing system fulfill all new regulations required to complete the process. ex when Reg SHO introduced, all investment banks had to change their process for short sale)
6.Other (system specific or domain specific )

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