1 what is equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis? Please explain with an example with a real time scenario? 2) what is the difference between bug , defect, and issue? 3) what is the basic difference between sanity and smoke testing .Please explain with example ? when we need to perform such testing techniques? 4) what is the general technique for writing the test case? In interviews it is often asked write the Test Case on PEN ,PAPER, BOTTLE, FAN , TABLE ,etc.

Questions by Sandeep Koul   answers by Sandeep Koul

Showing Answers 1 - 12 of 12 Answers

Praveen Kumar

  • Mar 16th, 2007

Equivalence partitioning:

     Asume that , client had given you Requirement like in Login Page,  User name  and
Password should take only Alpha values not other like (Numeric ,Special character
etc) that time u should have to Prepare or u should have to analyze what are the valid inputs and what are the invalid inputs for particular fields.
 Ex: Valid                             Invalid Alpha values                Numeric, Special characters                                    Special characters with Numeric values                                   Etc   ……..


  • Mar 16th, 2007

Boundary value Analysis  Assume that , client had given your Requirement like in Login page, User name and Password should Accept only up to 9 characters not more than that and not less that 1 character , that time u need to Prepare or analyse the Boundary value for that Assume that Constraint like this Min =1 and Maximum = 9 Boundary values for this constraint is Min   = 1Max = 9 Min -1   = Fail   (0)Min +1 = Pass (2) Max+1 = Fail     (10)

Max-1 = Pass    (8)


  • Mar 16th, 2007

BVA: Boundary value analysis it is of two types
1)which  is accepipting values
2) which should be consider only lenth
ex In an Employ data base the salary module is accepting salary leaves emi no of leaves per month are 4 and salary should be 1500 to 1,0000 and emi must be 500 to 25000
bva for leaves min o max+5
bva for salary  min 1500 max -1 99999
bva for emi min 500 max+1 2500

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  • Apr 15th, 2007

Both are used for identification of test data for Black Box testing.

Incase of EP the entire test data is divided into classes and sample test data is picked up from each class in such a way that they represent the charecterstics of the entire class they belong to. For e.g. if we are testing a program that generates the report card for a group of  100 students we can divide the test data as per the grades

A grade = 80-100 %
B Grade = 60-80 %
C grade = 40-60 % ........

Then test the application by picking up the scores of  2-3 students belonging to each grade class. In this way we can test the application for the entire set of test data.

BVA is a black box testing technique that assumes that most of the program errors occur when we test the application with data at the boundries of the test data set.

for e.g. if the test data range is from 0 to 100 like in case of an application that generates the %age for students. the BVA technique suggests testing the application for 0, , 1, -1, 99, 100, 101.


  • Apr 28th, 2008

Equivalence partition:

1.It is used to reduce the number of test cases and selecting the right test cases to execute

EX: there are 12 months per year .. Two types of partition can be applied valid and invalid
valid partition is from january to december
invalid partition mis from <=0 and >=13

Boundary value analysis:
Equivalance partition and boundary value analysis is linked together. ex: -2,-1and 0 is invalid partition, 1-12 is valid partition and 13 to 15 is invalid partition

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  • Oct 21st, 2009

ANS 1: Equivalence partitioning: Dividing the input data into different sets of test case classes. It reduce no. of test cases but covers the maximum requirement.
E.g. To test value for username textbox in Login page.
Divide input set of values into different classes, like only numbers, only alphabets, only alphanumeric, only numbers and alphabets, numbers with special chars,  alphabets with special chars, alphanumeric with special chars.

Boundary value analysis: BVA is next step after EP, it checks for boundary values for defined input sets. Like in above e.g. BVA will be done with boundary values, as if texbox accept 10 to 100 numbers and 3 to 6 chars, so BVA is for 0,1, 2 chars and boundary values for 10 and 100.

ANS 2: Difference between bug, Defect and Issue: Though these words are used interchangeably. but minor difference is explained below:

Bug: is an error that produce incorrect or unexpected result.
Defect: is caused by requirements gaps, i.e. when application does not comply with SRS.
Issue: is caused due to technical probs or others defects in the system

ANS 3: Difference between sanity and smoke testing:
Sanity testing is narrow regression testing i.e. testing typical module after minor change,It is not supported by any automation or set of test cases.

Smoke testing is testing whole application before sending the application for final testing process that it works fine. All modules are clicked in smoke testing. It is done either with defined set of test cases or automation if done.

ANS 4: General techniques for writing test case:
1. BVA
2. EP
3. Error guessing

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