What is testing methodology?Is retesting is regression testing or its a part of regression? (which part bug check)

Questions by sakshi_2801   answers by sakshi_2801

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Test Methodology is Overall Application Programming.(i.e) To Check the Application Program works without bugs. To check whether the Application Programs work properly or not use by our testcases.

Retesting is done to check a part of the application when the bug's have been fixed.

When the code has been modified , the whole application is tested to check if the application is working fine is called Regression Testing.

Regresion Testing done after enhancement in Software and Re-testing is after Bug Fixing


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  • Feb 27th, 2007

Hi Shailaja,

When the code has been modified , the whole application is tested to check if the application is working fine is called Regression Testing.

This is what u replied about Regression, but as per me whole application is not tested for regression only that part of the application where the code change might affected will be tested only not the whole application

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  • Mar 7th, 2007

In my point of view,
Restesting is that testing to check the application after regular interval of time that it works properly or not i.e its expected result match the actual result.

Regression testing is that testing, when a software tester found the bug, he than send back to the developer to fix that particular bug, after that tester sees that this fix bug should not effect on any other module fuctionality.

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  • Mar 9th, 2007

Retesting-  when a defect is detected and fixed then the software should be retested to confirm that the original defect has been removed successfully.

Regression- is the repeated testing of an already testing programe, after modification, to discover any defects introduced or uncovered as a result of the change(s).

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  • Mar 16th, 2007

Regrassion Testing;
 It is testing in which one will perform allready testing functionality.
Regression testiong is done in 2 ways
1. Whenever test engineers raises some doubts, then developer rectifys that. and build is released from the developers department, now test engineers will perform the defective functionality and also related functionalities once again.

2. Whenever new changes are incororapted by the developer and the new build is realesed form the developers department.. then test engineer will perfom the test once again.

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  • Mar 26th, 2007

Testing methodology means testing an application fully and check whether it is working fine with specified requirements or not.
Regression Testing: When a bug is found in an application then that bug is reported to developers.They apply modifications (Regress) on it and send back to tester. Tester again check the application & see if it is working correctly now or not i.e. when any modification is made to an application testing is done to check whether it is working fine or not called regression testing.
Re-Testing:Testing done by applying different values to a module to see its desired functionality.

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  • Mar 27th, 2007

Testing Methodology: To check the application is working properly or not.
Regression : Whenever is bug found  send to the developer for fixing after fixing of bug they send new build for testing.Tester check the that bug is found or not and check the all functionality is working or not. and also check the other functionality is not affected by the this fixing.

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  • Mar 30th, 2007

Retesting: Retesting the module/application to check whether the reported bug is soved or not.
RegressionTesing: it executed after new version (any modifications) released to ensure there has been no negative impact on the capabilities which the application provided by the earlier release.
                ---verify the defects which have been identified as corrected
                ---verify the newly delivered functionality


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Kiran R. Kardile

  • Apr 2nd, 2007

Retesting is the repeat execution of test cases which lead to a fault, with the aim

of proving that the fault has been cured.


Regression testing is the renewed testing of an already tested program or part

after modification, with the aim of proving that the modifications incorporated

have not introduced new faults or exposed any masked faults.

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  • Sep 25th, 2007

Retesting: The re-execution of the test on modified build with multiple test data is retesting.

Regression Testing:Retesting of a previously tested program following the modification to ensure that whether any faults have been introduced or not. It is performed only when the software or its environment is changed.

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  • Nov 24th, 2007

Retesting-say development team has made some changes in code, changes mean to say deletion of feature, addition of feature, modification or fixing of buy), testing only the changes is called re-testing

Regression-say development team has made some changes in code, (changes mean to say addition of a faeture, deletion, modification, bug fix), you are sure that the change is affecting other features of the application, so you go ahead and test the impact areas is called regression testing.

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Regression testing is done on Modified build. Whenever a bug is fixed and sent to the tester he performs regression on the modified build and also tests the impact of the modified bug on the other modules.

Retesting is done on the same build.By giving different input values and re-executing the same application is retesting.

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Testing methodology----testing the entire application to make sure that it follows all the specifications and requirements. Retesting---when a bug is found it will be assigned to the developer who can fix it. after removing the bug by developer, tester has to test with various inputs to make sure that the bug has been removed permanently. Regression testing---while fixing bugs by developers some times source code changes will occur. Change in one portion of source code may affect other areas, so in addition to retesting of the software tester has to execute a predefined set of test cases to make sure that the other areas are not affected is called regression testing.

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  • Dec 10th, 2007

You have tested an application or a product by executing a test case. The end result deviates from the expected result and is notified as a defect. Developer fixes the defect. The tester executes the same test case that had originally identified the defect to ensure that the defect is rectified.

Regression Test
Developer fixes the defect. Tester re-test the application to ensure that the defect is rectified. He also identifies a set of test cases whose test scenario sorrounds the defect to ensure that the functionality of the application remains stable even after addressing the defect.

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Testing Methodology --- The Methods implemented in testing is called testing methods
whether it is pass or fail
Methods like --
Status of recquirement
approach of testing
design techniques
test plan
testing techniques
design test cases etc

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Testing methodology is the approach you are using for
testing. it is applicable to both SDLC and STLC

different models are used for this purpose:
- Waterfall model
- V Model
- Spiral Model
and many more

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  • Aug 10th, 2010

Re-testing is testing done to enure that the defect fixed is no longer present in the code.

Re-gression Testing is ensuring that the fixed defect didn't resulted in the another defect. So, it is more or less like finding the side effects of the code change. The re-gression testing is done in the following two scenarios:
1. When the code has changed because of the Defect Fixes.
2. When the code has changed because of the change in functionality.

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