How do you connect to database using vbscript ?

Questions by ypraveen_77   answers by ypraveen_77

Showing Answers 1 - 18 of 18 Answers


  • Feb 16th, 2007

here is the sample script of using data base connection.........SQL="SELECT * FROM ORDERS"connection_string="QT_Flight32" isConnected = db_connect ( curConnection ,connection_string )If isConnected = 0 then ' execute the basic SQL statement set myrs=db_execute_query( curConnection , SQL ) ' report the query and the connection string Reporter.ReportEvent micInfo ,"Executed query and created recordset ","Connection_string is ==> " & connection_string & " SQL query is ===> " & SQL ' show the number of rows in the table using a record set msgBox " Quantity of rows in queried DB ( db_get_rows_count )==> " & db_get_rows_count( myrs ) ' show the number of rows in the table using a new SQL statement msgBox " Quantity of rows in queried DB (db_get_rows_count_SQL ) ==> " & db_get_rows_count_SQL( curConnection , "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ORDERS" ) ' change a value of a field in an existing row rc = db_set_field_value (curConnection, "ORDERS" , "Agents_Name" , "test", "Agents_Name", "AGENT_TESTER") ' examples of how to retrieve values from the table msgBox "val row 0 col 0: " & db_get_field_value( myrs , 0 , 0 ) msgBox "val row 0 col 1: " & db_get_field_value( myrs , 0 , 1 ) msgBox "val row 1 col Name: " & db_get_field_value( myrs , 1 , "Agents_Name" ) msgBox "val SQL row 1 col Name: " & db_get_field_value_SQL( curConnection , "ORDERS" , 1 , "Agents_Name" ) db_disconnect curConnectionEnd If

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Using ADODB connection we can connect to DBset DBobj=createobject("ADODB.connection")"DSN=raghu")set rc=createobject("ADODB.recordset")set rc=DBobj.execute("Select * from orders")while rc.eof<>truevalue1=rc.fields(0)value2=rc.fields(1)wendif you don't have dsn created then you can use connection"drive=sql server;server=system20;database=raghu;uid=admin;pwd=hyderabad007")if you have any doubts feel free to contact me or 9866379523

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Dani Vainstein

  • Feb 17th, 2007

using MS-ADODB object

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  • Feb 20th, 2007

Dim objConnection,objRecordset,strSearchCriteria
Const adOpenStatic = 3
Const adLockOptimistic = 3
Const adUseClient = 3

Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

objConnection.Open "DSN=<DSN Name>;UID=<Database userID>;PWD=<Database password>;SERVER=<Server that u r going to connect>;"

MsgBox "Connected"

objRecordset.Open "SELECT * FROM USER where username = 'Ravi'" , objConnection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

If objRecordset.EOF Then
    Wscript.Echo "Record cannot be found."
    Wscript.Echo "Record found."

 Wscript.Echo "User ID is "&objRecordset("USEREID")
 Wscript.Echo "User Name is " &objRecordset("USERENAME")

End If

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  • Oct 3rd, 2007

It seems you use Winrunner function (db_get_rows_count, db_set_field_value) to get row count and field value. Does QTP have similar function to get row count, field value? Could you please give an example?


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Set FSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set FSO = Createobject("ADODB.connection")
Set B =Createobject("ADODB.RecordSet")
  FSO.connectionstring="DSN=QT_Flight32;"  "this is connecting to Flight 4a Database   FSO.Open
Set B =FSO.execute("select * from orders")
msgbox B.getstring

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'Sample code for Connecting to SQL SERVER Data Base & Fetch the Data from Data Base                         

using SQL Server Authentication


Str_Connect = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=Server;Initial Catalog=sureshdb"


Set CnnSQL=CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

CnnSQL.Open Str_Connect, "sa", "abcd"


If CnnSQL.State=1 Then

Msgbox "Connected"


Msgbox "Not Connected"

End If


Set Rs=CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

Set Rs=CnnSQL.Execute("Select * from emp")

Do while not Rs.EOF

Msgbox (Rs(0) & space(3) & Rs(1) & space(3) & Rs(2) & space(3) & Rs(3))




Note:  Line No: 1   as it is u copy and try  (spaces sensitive)

Data Source is  your System Name or Server Name

            Initial Catalog is the DataBase Name (which is existed in SQL Server DataBase)           

            Line No: 3    "sa"    (UserName)

                              “abcd”   (Password)


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  • Nov 24th, 2016

We installed driver in my system instead of DSN (cause we dont have permissions to create DSN and tell me how to create DSN), please send me the code and procedure step by step

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Hima Sagar

  • Jul 25th, 2017

using the below automation object
Set objDB=CreateObject(adodb.connection)

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