What are the test cases for input field which should accept integer nos between 0 and 2 using BVA and ECP, min how many test cases are necessary?

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers


  • Mar 3rd, 2007

I can say 5

1. Is for input value '0' :
   test case should pass
2. is for input value '1'
 test case should pass

3. is for input value '2'
 test case should pass

4. is for input value '<2' 
 test case should fail

5. is for input negative value '-3'
 test case should fail

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Marut Pandey

  • Mar 7th, 2007

Only Three test cases are required:
1. Test for entered value is number or not.
2. Test for entered value is negative.
3. Entered number should not be greater than 2

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  • May 11th, 2007

Here we can use boundry analysys

Give value 0,2(boundry)
Give value 1(boundry+1) It should pass
Give value (boundry-1) -fail
Give value 3(boundry+1)-fail
we need not use any ep

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5 case

1. Test Case Should "Pass" if the input value is '0','1','2' (valid)
Test Case Should "Fail" if the input value is '-1' (min-1)
Test Case Should "Fail" if the input value is '3' (max+1)
4. Test Case Should "Fail" if the input value is empty
Test Case Should "Fail" if the input value had special characters ($,.,%,&,*, etc..)

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REQUIREMENT: "Input field should accept integer numbers BETWEEN 0 and 2."

Therefore, the ONLY integer this field should accept is the number 1.  If a person in my company had authored this requirement, I would be knocking on the door immediately and asking for clarification.  Nevertheless, I don't have that luxury and must deal with the requirement as it is presented and will assume the author meant 'Input field should accept all integer numbers from 0 through 2."

The answer is 5.

1) For input values '0' '1' '2' (valid), test should "Pass"
2) For input value '-1' (min-1), test should "Fail"
3) For input value '3' (max+1), test should "Fail"

Note that there was no Equivalence Class Partitioning required in this example because all possible options were required by Boundary Value Analysis (min+1 and max-1 are on the boundary). 

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