Is it not waste of time in preparing the test condition, test case & Test Script?

Questions by nimmi   answers by nimmi

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That means testing itself waste.
The three is imp bcoz u know that u have tested if some came and found a bug and he will assume that entire product is not tested properly
At least u can show with these testconditions product will work perfectly

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If we Prepared Test cases / scripts, then the advantages could be
1) we cant say how much test cases we have executed sofar
2) with test cases and Traceability Matrix we can prove that all the requirements have been met
3) if we have any issues we can point to test cases
4) for reproducing the defects, steps in test cases will be helpfull 
5) we can assume what are the important areas that we need to concentrate more
6) if you have test cases we can execute the test cases blindly

and so on

writing test cases is a one time effort, and when we going to get multiple builds
then these Test cases will reduce the time and effort to Testing team.

so its not a waste of time in preparing test cases and scripts


In a formal testing, these are the mandatory tasks, no doubt.. while preparing the test cases, scripts definitely time will take, but we have to prepare.

but most of the small companies are not preparing the full fledge test cases.. that means they are preparing, but not full fledge cases.. for ex: If QA team prepared the test cases for current build, but after some time client asked so many changes, due to time constraint or due to some reasons, they will not preparing the cases for new CR's.


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