Electrical Engineer Interview

1. what is the different between CGS system and MKS system?
2. When we connect the capacitor Banks in Series with the circuit
3. What is the difference between Earthing & grounding
4. how much voltage is present in neutral resistance?and how much voltage is present in earth resistance...
5. What is the purpose of calculating knee point voltage for Current transformers?
6. What is the voltage drop for 100kw motor if the length of the cable is 200m and what is the cable size....
7. for an 100kw generator, only 50kw of load is connected. will the generator generate only 50kw or 100kw....
8. In a synchronous motor armature current flows due to revolving flux which in turn rotates the load,but...
9. what is the reason of power development in synchronous generator due to saliency ?
10. how is a 100 MVA transformer cooled?

Questions by kathyayini

Showing Answers 1 - 37 of 37 Answers


  • Apr 4th, 2009

Function of electrical transducer is to convert non electrical quantity (such as temperature, pressure, displacement) into electrical signal for further measurement in meters.


  • Dec 29th, 2009

Grounding and Earthing both are same. Whenver comes the Revers voltege it is going to Earth. Otherwise it will affect the system.

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  • Jan 8th, 2010

You can connect the capacitor in Series if the voltage rating of the capacitor is less than the supply voltage. By connecting the capacitors in series, the capacitance will be reduced.


  • Jun 16th, 2010

In synchronous generator, salient and non salient poles aree used which defines high RPM, low RPM  as per load requirement by revolution power generated.

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Use of series capacitor:

  • Reduces line voltage drops
  • Limits load-dependent voltage drops
  • Influences load flow in parallel transmission lines
  • Increases transfer capability
  • Reduces transmission angle
  • Increases system stability

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Grounding in the sense nuetral groundng in the case of star connected motors are provided in order to maintain same voltage in all the three phases. If certain ground fault appear in any one of the phase the heavy current is made to circulate through star point-neutral grounding-ground(Having much higher resistance)-w/g of the motor-star point, hence the heavy current produced is minimised through heavy reistance.
If we see earthing, it is provided at the outer side of panels used in mny industries so as to pass the noise current or current produced my electromagnetic interference. so that there should be a no shock when we touch the panel.....

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  • Aug 24th, 2010

To provide fast operation of the relay on an in zone fault, the current
transformer should have a 'Knee Point Voltage' at least twice the setting
voltage of the relay.  The 'Knee Point Voltage' (Vkp) is defined as the
secondary voltage at which an increase of 10% produces an increase in
magnetising current of 50%. It is the secondary voltage above which the CT is
near magnetic saturation

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Grounding term mainly used with electronic circuits. The ground potential may be higher than 0.0V ,
but the earthing is used in Electrical . The potential of Earth should be Zero , other wise it may be hazardious for men ,machines & system . 

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Initially 40w bulb was away from heater so its Resistance would have been low. so the net current drawn would be high, hence all the 3 devices operate good. But in second case, the 40 W bulb's resistance would have gone up due to heater. hence current down. thus 3 devices opertae with reduced current! Feel free to comment about my answer.

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