Mention the difference between business process improvement and business process reengineering?

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Shridatt Kelkar

  • Feb 14th, 2007

Business process improvement implies changing a step,sub step or any part of the process, ie process is not completly changedIn BPR, we actually study the business and find out what is the best way I can carry out the process and change the whole way the process runs(business process redesign)


  • Feb 19th, 2007

Business Process Improvement (BPI) is a systematic approach to help any organization make significant changes in the way it does business. The organization may be a for-profit business, a non-profit organization, a government agency, or any other ongoing concern.

Business Process Reengineering is a management approach aiming at improvements by means of elevating efficiency and effectiveness of the processes that exist within and across organizations. It is a fundamental and radical approach by either modifying or eliminating non-value adding activities.

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  • Feb 25th, 2010

Well on the very first attempt both seek to improve the existing process. But business process improvement goes an extra mile to further optimise this helps in reducing cost along with improving quality of the existing process in terms of transparency and reducing the turnaround time. Business process re-engineering on the other hand also results into improvement of existing process but works wirh specific goal set in the mind of the process owner.

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  • Jun 28th, 2010

Depicting fundamentally new ways of considering business functions' process redesign has also been referred to as process reengineering, requiring vision and concepual skills to develop innovative solutions for existing problems.

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  • Mar 19th, 2018

The BPR technique assumes that the current process is irrelevant, does not work and therefore need a complete change(from A to Z); whereas in business process that do not require re-engineering, but need small modifications for benefiting the business processes.
There several parameter on which they can be easily separated from each other like
1. The approach whether it is top down or bottom up
2. The time duration long or short
3. The risk involved
4. Cost of modification
5. Existing system or a clean slate means the starting point
6. Traditional/cultural or a new trend.

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