What is business analysis?

Questions by JohnMathew   answers by JohnMathew

Showing Answers 1 - 21 of 21 Answers

Shridatt Kelkar

  • Feb 14th, 2007

Business analysis is the gap filler between the top management (Non IT) & IT, Thus a BA,s job is to understand what client wants,document it,tell the IT guy what needs to be done and deliver it to the client

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  • Apr 26th, 2007


Could you please let me know what could be the answer to the question below-

1. Why do you feel that you fit for a BA role?

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  • Sep 14th, 2007

As for my knowledge  you need to mention few of your strengths which benefits the employer. you can say like I have determination to succeed, I consider to be a good communicator and organized and have the ability to distill the critical information understandable by the user. As awhole BA is a challenging position whihc I always drive to it and also I am good at customer relationships where they become the primary interface to a business unit.

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  • Nov 5th, 2007

Business Analysis is a liason between the business user and development team.

Let take this in this way a business analysis is a bridge between two end,one end is the IT People and Other end is Non-IT People . He/she gets the requirement from the Non-It people and interects with the IT People.

Common Example:

Let take consider this example in general terms : We want to order the Pizza

1.We are the client who want pizza ,we call pizzahut people

2.we get the choose of what we want

3.The people who answer the call  the pizza guy/gal is ba over here

4.they suggest us or tell us about the coupons or specials for the day etc,and the way they take order and present that to the pizzzamaker and also they have convience the customer based on the coupons saying if you buy large one you might get the small one for free etc.

so here the

We are the client
Pizza person who attends our call is BA
Maker of pizza is developer,tester etc
we are also the enduser as we findout the result.

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BUsiness analysis helps an organisation to improve its performance, conuct its functions and activities in order to reduce cost and efficient use of resources with the time .It introduces the notion of process orientation of concentrating on and rethinking end-to-end activities that create value for customers, while removing unnecessary, non-value  work. The person who carries out this task is called a business analyst  or BA

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  • May 26th, 2008

One should not restrict the Ba role to only being a link between Non-It and IT or only for development projects.
A BA is someone who is able to bring in improvements, changes(technology, process, people etc.) in an efficient manner. So a BA could be part of the marketting team who helps the marketting team in providing estimates/high level solutions for a said project which is under the process of procurement. Or he could be someone involved during the REquirement gathering/analysis once the project is initiated. Or he could be someone who brings profit to the company by performing process improvement activities ROIs at process level.
Last but not the least BAs could be domain specific as well.

So it has a very wide scope though jobs under all the above mentioned sectors is not yet widely available in India.

Hope this helps.

Hello Friends

I am sorry to say that many of our friends did not read the question properly...they asked a simple question and they did not ask what a Business analyst does?

Business analysis is an indepth study, understanding and analysing of clinets business requirements which is usually done to help organization to get profits by using its available resources effectively and efficiently and removing duplication of work and their by saving time and efforts.

Best regards

Ravindra Munaganti

Business analysis is an indepth study which involves understanding and analysing clients business requirements which is usaully done to help organizations to make profits by using its available resources effectively and efficiently and removing duplication of work and thereby saving time and effort.

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  • Jul 13th, 2011

Business analysis is sequence of activities to be implemented to assess business requirements and fit the solution to steer the organization towards success path. It can be conducted at different level by analyst:
1>Enterprise level: actual requirement gathering to understand business requirement for understanding scope of the project, feasibility study, cost benefit analysis
2>Requirement gathering and communication: communicate with business users to understand actual requirement
3>Requirement engineering: Actual requirement analysis and transform requirement to functional document and ensure that they understand and conveyed to business users
4?Solution assessment: Ensure that solution is in line with the user requirement and requirement takes place of form and design

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  • Aug 12th, 2011

Business analysis can be defined as a sequence of activities to determine the business needs of an organization and to fit the required solutions.

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