What is the traceability Matrix and when it will be prepared (before or after preparing the Test Cases)? By whom it will be prepared?

Questions by tkishorekumar

Showing Answers 1 - 12 of 12 Answers


  • Oct 31st, 2007

As per my undrestanding the traceability matrix is constructed during the design stage of a software development process. It gives a logical connection between the requirements their solutions and the respective test cases. The test cases can be created before  or after design. This matrix is developed by the developer. I hope the above question is answered to the best.

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  • Jun 8th, 2008

It seems both the answers given above are wrong partially.

1. The tracebility matrix will be prepared by the tester.

2. The tracebility matrix should be prepared before writting the test cases and fullfilled once the test cases writing is done. See below how it is.

Before start writing the test cases, the TM (tracebility matrix) should be prepared. In TM, the test scenarios should be listed, then the test scenarios should be prioritized, then the expected test cases for each sceanrio should be listed.

Test Scenario --> Priority --> Expected Test cases --> Actual Test cases --> Test cases Number.

Once the test cases are written then the remaining fields should be filled as Actual Test cases, test cases number (mapping).

So here the TM should be created before writting test cases, we should fill test scenario, priority for each scenarios, number of expected scenarios.

When the test cases are written, then the remaining fields should be filled (Actual Test cases & mapping the test cases to each scenario)..

Pls shoot a mail to jafarcts@gmail.com if you have more clarifications regarding the same.

Traceability matrix  is the data sheet prepared to verify the coverage of all  the customer requriements against the testcases prepared. In otherwords a tracebility matrix helps in covering all the customer requirements in the process of preparing test cases.

Generally it is prepared after the preparation of the test cases. it  will be prepared by Test Leads in some cases OR by test engineer in other cases. To be true it is not mandatory that it should be done by the person with a particular cadre,It varies from the company to company policy and the indivuduals capability to do it,In any case it will be reviewed by the person other than who prepared it.

Traceability matrix  it's a data sheet prepared to verify the coverage of all  the customer requriements which were listed in the specification documnet through the testcases prepared by the tester to Identify any thing we were missed while writing the test cases we can use it's for forthere refernce  Commonly  it is prepared after the preparation of the test cases to "trace" any thing missing or not . It  will be prepared by Test Leads or  Test Engineer. It'svaries from the company to company policy and the indivuduals capability to do it,In any case it will be reviewed by the person other than who prepared it.

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