What is Test Case, Test Bed, Test Suite and Test Script? And what is the difference between them?

Questions by anshubhat

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Feb 8th, 2007

Hope I don't need to write what is Test Case. You can find it anywhere.
Test Bed: The complete test environment on which you are going to execute your test cases. This should include your OS, Hardware, testing tools you are using, bug tracking tools you are using etc.
Test Suite: A collection of tests used to validate the behavior of a product. The scope of a Test Suite varies from organization to organization. There may be several Test Suites for a particular product for example. In most cases however a Test Suite is a high level concept, grouping together hundreds or thousands of tests related by what they are intended to test.

Test Script: Commonly used to refer to the instructions for a particular test that will be carried out by an automated test tool.Now I think you got the definition as well as the difference among them.

Don?t get scared of all these terminologies. It is only a word jugglery.

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  • Apr 4th, 2007

Testbed - In software testing, the hardware and software requirements are known as the testbed. This is also known as the test environment

TestSUite - The most common term for a collection of test cases is a test suite.
The test suite often also contains more detailed instructions or goals for
each collection of test cases.

Test SCript- is a short program written in a programming language used to test part of the functionality of a software system. A written set of steps that should be performed automatically can also be called a test script.

Test case - A set of test inputs, execution conditions, and expected results developed for a particular objective, such as to verify compliance with a specific requirement.

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