Take a lighted agarbatti (joss stick) and make sure of two Things: (1) the stream of smoke is clearly visible and (2) there is no Draught to disturb it. Now give gentle tugs of the wrist. At a certain Optimal amount of such tugging you can see rings of smoke forming in the Emanating chaotic smoke stream. I dont know if this is a known phenomenon or Not. If not, let the rings be known as owaiss rings. The question is, What causes these rings?

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Showing Answers 1 - 3 of 3 Answers


  • Apr 8th, 2006

when we put the finger in the flow of smoke.due the interference phenomina the rings will form.example take hole in the house when the light is entered then rings will form on floor.like this the rings will form when we put finger in smoke.

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  • Jun 16th, 2007

it is similar to vortex formed in still water when you put your finger in it. from the point you touch the water circular rings will be formed in water(i.e circular waves) . when a still air is given a sudden disturbances at a point, from that point circular ripples will be formed, since smoke is visible to our eyes, we are able to see it in the form of circular rings.

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