1. We have two tables & we have created a maintenance view between them using projection operation. What is the mandatory thing we should keep in mind when we want to create a maintenance view? Explain with reasons. 2. A table contains 5 fields. Can .Append be possible with the following data types LCHAR, LRAW, LVARC? Give reasons.

Questions by Bainab

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Feb 20th, 2007

Projection view... is not between two tables. its within same table.

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ans1-  to create the mainenance view between two tables, the secondary should have many-to-one dependency on the primary table i.e. there should be atlmost one dependent record in each of the secondary table for a data record in the primary table.

ans2- no append will not be possible because a table can have only one Large data type. append structure conditions explained belowe with reasons:-
a) append is not possible if the table has Large data type in  the end - because SAP has restriction that Large data types should be the last field of the table.
b) append with one large data type is possibe if there is no large data type in the table and onlt one in the append structure and that too in the last. you can not append strucure with 3 large data types as asked in the question. thanks 
bye bye... 

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