What is test data we must specify in test cases?How to log bugs in bugzilla?What is code coverage testing?how do we write load test case for a portal?

Showing Answers 1 - 12 of 12 Answers


  • Jan 28th, 2007

Test data is nothing but collection of in-out data that is given to test the application, some times it is given by clients also.

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  • Feb 6th, 2007

You can Log Defects into Bugzilla is very Easy .1)Click on New Defect 2)Enter all the information Required for Developer to check whether the Defect is Reproducible or Not.3)Enter OS ver also to cross check it will be easier for Developer .4)Once you complete the Information on the Defect , assign the defect to the concern Developer with Email ID.Here you can also CC the Defect to Couple of Members like Project Mgr ,Team Lead adn you .5) you add notes and snap shot for the defect .

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  • Feb 21st, 2007

Test Data : It's the set of data/values needed for executing each test case. In other words, it's the input values you give for executing a test case. 
Logging bugs in bugzilla :

1. As soon as you login to bugzilla click on "New" link in the actions section. It will take you to the page where you can log a bug along with other details
2. In the bug log page, enter the details like Version, Component, OS, Platform, Severity, Priority, Assigned To, Summary, Description etc.
3. Click on the 'Commit' button.  Bug is logged and assigned to the person you have selected.

Code Coverage Testing : It's a white-box testing technique where each function in the code is mapped to a functional point. This is to test the parts of code which is rarely or never accesed under normal conditions. The two types of code coverage testing are Statement coverage and Path coverage testing.


  • Mar 3rd, 2007

Test data  is used while doing end to end testing (Product test), Basically end to end testing is done by inputting the the realistic data(In the real scenario). so while writing the test cases i actually make the data requirement based on the scenario. which is created by the the data modelling team and used the same while execution.

Test Analyst
Australian Tax Office

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  • Mar 13th, 2007

Test data is a set of input values that is needed to execute the test ,it can be any dummy data or data given by the client.

To log a defect in Bugzilla after you login1) Click on New Defect link2)Enter all the detail information required3)In the bug log page, enter the details like Version, Component, OS, Platform, Severity, Priority, Assigned To, Summary, Description etc.Attach a snap shot or print screen or logs if any.
4)Once you complete the Information on the Defect , assign the defect to the concern Developer with Email ID.Here you can also CC the Defect to Couple of Members like Project Mgr ,Team Lead adn you .
5)Click on Commit to save the bug.

Code Coverage  Testing  is a white box testing technique which determines  the amount of code that has been executed during the testing .It assumes the pathof logic is being executed

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What is test data we must specify in test cases?

Ans: Giving test is depends on test case , it will help the person who executed the test cases. For ex: While testing the registration page, as per the spec user name field should not allow to enter special charas like @,$,%,^....

In this case we can give the test data like : " #$#%#%#$@#$"

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