How we will produce proof of test and proof of user acceptance testing to client??

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  • Feb 9th, 2007

Everytime you perform a testing. Team lead creates a test plan and Test cases. Test Plan shows the Approach you would be taking and what are you trying to achieve. where as Test cases are the scenario. Mostly Testers create an excel sheet (actual results, expected results, Pass/fail)and keep track of all the test cases. Sometimes if you are doing Unit testing, you can take the screen shots. After the completion of testing you create a test evaluation summary for your team lead and manager. It tells the manager how many Unit test cases u did, how many Integration, how many UAT. It tells them the success and failure rate as well. As far as UAT testing is concerned, Its always done by Business folks so you dont need to proof it. You will just put everything in the Evaluation Summary and get appropriate signoff's.

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  • Mar 10th, 2007

Valid defects which you post to the developer that it self is the major proof of your testing and your performance in testing.
Where Testing metrics will show the performance of the tester in Statistics.

Proof of Testing is produced based upon the clients intrest.

Sometimes Testers are asked by the client to send a Hardcopy of all the test scripts which consists of test cases, that where execuated by the tester, that where hand written by the tester while testing.

In some cases all the tested documents are scaned and the client may ask those scanned copy of all those documents in the form of CD's or DVD's for future referance.

when ever defects are found by the client or by the end user when the product is dispatched or released  then sure the client's STAFF will refer all your documents to check whether you have covered all the test scenario’s or not and where you have missed.

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