What is difference in silk test and winrunner on the basis of their functionaliy or working.

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  • Jan 16th, 2007

winrunner uses TSL where as SilkTest Uses 4T Script.

SilkTest Execution Time is Faster Than WunRunner and QTP.

SilkTest is a File wise Running Process where as WinRunner Script wise Running.(As a file SilkTest Script runs where as WinRunner Runs on Script Basis).

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Avinash Waje

  • Feb 15th, 2007

In Silk Test to develop a script 4test script language is used.In Winrunner to develop a script Test Script Language script language is used.

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Vishal Sareen

  • Apr 20th, 2007

1. SilkTest derives its initial startup configuration settings from its partner.ini file.
WinRunner derives its initial startup configuration from a wrun.ini file of settings.

2. SilkTest provides a built-in recovery system which restores the application to a stable state, referred to as the basestate, when the test or application under test fails ungracefully. WinRunner does not provide a built-in recovery system.

3. SilkTest provides a strongly typed, object-oriented programming language called 4Test. WinRunner provides a C-like procedural programming language called TSL.

4. SilkTest has a built-in facility SilkOrganizer for creating a testplan and then linking the testplan to testcases. WinRunner integrates with a separate program called TestDirector for creating a test project and then linking WinRunner testcases into that project.

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  • Apr 23rd, 2007

1. SilkTest derives its initial startup configuration settings from its partner.ini file. WinRunner derives its initial startup configuration from a wrun.ini file of settings.

2. SilkTest provides a built-in recovery system which restores the application to a stable state,referred to as the basestate, when the test or application under test fails ungracefully. WinRunner does not provide a built-in recovery system.

3. SilkTest provides a strongly typed, object-oriented programming language called 4Test. WinRunner provides a non-typed, C-like procedural programming language called TSL.

4. SilkTest has a built-in facility, SilkOrganizer, for creating a testplan and then linking the testplan to testcases. WinRunner integrates with a separate program called TestDirector [at a substantial additional cost], for visually creating a test project and then linking WinRunner testcases into that project.

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