What is mutatinig trigger? How do you avoid mutating trigger?

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  • Jan 8th, 2007

when theres a deadlock within multiple DML Triggers.

ex: when a a trigger has got mutiple DML statements and if a statement A tries to modify and row which statement B had already modified hence this mutating erros occures

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  • Jan 9th, 2007

The basic reason for this error is the way Oracle manages a read consistent view of data. The error is encountered when a row-level trigger accesses the same table on which it is based, while executing. The table is said to be mutating.

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  • Feb 8th, 2007

It is avoided by using views or plsql tables...

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Say for exampleThere is a before insert row level trigger T1 on the table empInside the trigger if you give Select Count(*) from Emp, then mutating table error will be raised. This is because you are trying to access the emp that is being updated by the same trigger. In the same example if you change row level to statement this error will not be raised.

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madhavi guthula

  • Feb 28th, 2007

A table which is being updated is a mutating table, performing any DML operations or querying on a mutating table leads to a mutating error. This can be possible in triggers or in funtions that are used in expressions.


  • Mar 7th, 2007

Hey All,

Don`t go into therotical more...

Mutating Trigger is very simple,

see you have row level trigger on table with before/after timing, now in you

trigger defination if you have query(DML) on the same table on which trigger is

Based , then there is Mutating of Trigger Error. Since oracle can`t proccess

same table @ same time for two diff task.

thats all,


Nikhil.  - i-flex

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  • Mar 15th, 2007

You can avoid mutating trigger by using autonomous transaction.

Baji Shaik

  • Jun 5th, 2011

the  row level trigger based on a table,the trigger body can't read thedata  from same table, if you are trying to this it gives mutating error

to avoid that you must use statement level trigger

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