What are Challenges in Web site Testing

Questions by rkpanchadi

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers


  • Feb 2nd, 2007

Main challenges in web based testing to complete the site with in half day.If site is big then check all the functionality into the site and the hyperlink of site when i got the first site then only check the hyper link in single days

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We have a lot more combinations to test in web applications like different web browsers and different versions of the same browser and security is a major concern as web applications are often attacked by viruses, usability, GUI...

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Following are the challenges need to be taken care of while Web Site

1. Compatibility Testing - compatibility of a web site /web application
with different browsers, OS, and hardware platforms.

2. Usability testing - for user-friendliness. We conduct user interviews,
surveys, video recording of user sessions, and other techniques.

3. Performance Testing - web site/web application's scalability and response
time. We identify performance bottlenecks in high hit-rate web sites/apps,
Load & Stress testing of web site.

4. Functional Testing - web application to check if it conforms to its
specifications and correctly performs all its required functions.

5. Regression testing - to ensure consistent, repeatable validation of each
new release of a web site/ web application.

6. Security ? for unauthorized access.

7. Link Coverage

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Some other challenges includes

- Performance test - to see if the application is able to handle the intended user load.

- Page Flow test - to validate if all the links in the web application are working as intended.

- Security test - Also, called penetration test. Used to check for unauthorized and unauthenticated access, data security.

- Connectivity test - to validate the clients and servers behavior under varying circumstances.

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