What is the use of “SQAWaitForObject”?

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Tulika chatterjee

  • Jan 11th, 2007

It pauses execution of the script until the specified object can be found.
status% = SQAWaitForObject(recMethod$,timeout&)recMethod$ is the recognition
method values you use to identify an object depend on the object you are
accessing. For example, if you are accessing a push button object, use the
recognition method values listed for the PushButton user action command.timeout&
is the maximum number of milliseconds to look for the object. If the object does
not appear within the timeout period, sqaTimeout is returned. This example waits
up to two minutes for a particular push button to appear.

Sub Main

Dim Result As Integer

Window SetContext, "Caption=MyApp", ""MenuSelect "File->Open..."Window
SetContext, "Caption=Open", ""'

The OK button may take a long time to appear. We can use ' SQAWaitForObject
to synchronize our script without ' increasing the default wait period of all
other actions

Result = SQAWaitForObject("Type=PushButton;Text=OK", 120000)

If Result = sqaSuccess Then

... ' add the rest of the actions/tests here

End If

End Sub

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