What is the value of a testing group? How do you justify your work and budget?

Questions by jainbrijesh   answers by jainbrijesh

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The value of a testing group becomes clear when you don't have a testing group and have your developers test the product.  It is easy to justify a test group when you collect and report your test results. 

1) How many total defects were discovered and fixed?
2) How many High Priority and High Severity defects were discovered and fixed?
3) What is the liklihood that these bugs would have been overlooked had developers done the testing?
4) What impact would these defects have on customer perception and the company's profitability?

Here are reasons why developers can not test a product as well as a dedicated test team:

1) Developers and testers have entirely different roles in an organization.  It is a developer's primary role to create software applications that successfully perform business functions while it is a tester's primary role to discover and report defects in software applications in order to ensure they successfully perform business

2) Developers and testers receive paychecks for different reasons.  Their perceived value to an organization is entirely different.  Developers get paid to create while testers get paid to constructively destroy. 

3) Developers and testers have entirely different mindsets.  Developers think in terms of programming language and code, while testers think in the language and from the perspective of end-users.

4) Developers are bias with regard to their own code and therefore have a tendency to overlook defects in an application's corresponding functionalities.  In contrast, testers have no ties to the code and are not bias.  They are often thrilled to discover defects, no matter how trite they may seem. 

5) Developers are motivated to complete projects and move on to the next while testers are motivated to discover and report defects in order to meet an organization's quality standards no matter how long it takes.   

6) It is a physical impossibility to release a software product in a given span of time  with the same level of quality if developers were expected to create an application and test it.  Testers produce test plans, author test cases, and set up test environments while developers are producing code.  If these activities were not performed in parallel with one another, the software development life cycle would take much longer to complete. 

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