What are the bugs that you have found in your testing career? Name the most critical one.

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Hi To tell ans for this question can depends upon their project and career.. In my project, i have found so many bugs.. below is one among them...Ex: we have to enter feedback forms after completing all the applications in my project.. but here the process is as follows.. after completion of application 'feedback icon' is shown.. by clicking on that icon the feedback page is opened.. if submit the page with valid data it shows a conformance page with given data and also with submit icon.. by clicking on 'submit' icon, finally total feedback has to be saved in data base.. But here the data is saved immediate after invoking Conformance page.. this will effects in so many pages... Coz user sometime invokes the conformance page but not completed the final sub mission.. I think there may be some confusion to understand.. let me know if any..Srinivasulu.B ( srinivasulub1981@gmail.com)

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   To tell ans for this question can depends upon their project and career.. In my project, i have found so many bugs.. below is one among them...


 we have to enter feedback forms after completing all the applications in my project.. but here the process is as follows.. after completion of application 'feedback icon' is shown.. by clicking on that icon the feedback page is opened.. if submit the page with valid data it shows a conformance page with given data and also with submit icon.. by clicking on 'submit' icon, finally total feedback has to be saved in data base..

But here the data is saved immediate after invoking Conformance page.. this will effects in so many pages... Coz user sometime invokes the conformance page but not completed the final sub mission..

I think there may be some confusion to understand.. let me know if any..


Srinivasulu.B ( srinivasulub1981@gmail.com)


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I can't describe how many bugs i found in my testing career.But one thing i want to describe is that every bug is critical, it depends on situations, and conditions when and how it become a bug of highest severity.A simple example is a cold can also be dangerous for a man if not controlled at time, otherwise cold is a common disease.

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I have authored 15,000+ defect reports in my career as a software test engineer from relatively minor issues like spelling errors to more significant issues like misplaced decimal points that would cost the company a great deal of money.  Perhaps my most critical discovery was found in a grant management application where grants were dispersed without the director's approval under a narrow set of circumstances.  The faulty condition involved an intricate work-flow that had not been considered in the requirements.  Consequently, the requirements were revised and the software modified to correct the issue. 

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