How to write a test case for login screen for Bank application

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  • Dec 4th, 2006


        U r not telling the preconditoion, is it desk top application or web application ,




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Normally Login Screen contains UserID, Passwd, OK Button and Cancel Button

1. First we write testcases for UserId
BVA(UserID) Range of Userid
Ex:- min Number of characters UserId will accept 
      min+1 Number of characters UserId will accept 
      max Number of characters UserId will accept
      max+1 Number of characters UserId will accept
ECP(UserID) Valid and Invalid Characters
      valid                                  Invalid
A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _                       special Chars, blank,

2. Testcase for Passwd
enter blank as passwd it should not accept.

3. Testcase for OK Button
Button not active till all fields filled.
when button pressed data in the field should be submitted and correspond window should appear.

4. Testcase for cancel Button
if cancel pressed the window should be closed without save.

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  • Dec 12th, 2006

Test cases for the login window.Suppose the login window consisting the following three fields.a). User Name b). Password c). OK and Cancel button.Following would be the test casesPositive Testing1. Cursor should be in the user name field.2. Type user name and press tab.3. Cursor should be move into the password.4. Type the Password and check whether it is encrypted or not5. Now press OK or cancel button now if press Ok then user should be login into the system. Negative Testing Scenario 1 1. Press tab without entering the user name.2. Type password then press OK.Expected Result :: There should be an error message shown Type the User Name. Scenario 21. Type the user name.2. Press OK without entering the password. Expected Result :: There should be an error message shown Type the Password.Scenario 31. Enter the wrong incorrect user id and correct password or correct user name or incorrect password.Expected Result :: There should be an error message shown here Invalid User Name or Password and user should not login into the system .

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