Can any one give me sample script for Compile Module? I'm using winrunner in standalone machine and using mercury reservation application for recording. So please give me sample script related to Reservation application. It's very urgent.Thanks in advance.Mayank

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Jan 22nd, 2007


Compile module is a provision where user can write programs.

ex: Goto File-> Testproperties->testtype->compilemodule

write the script as:

add(x,y)   // suppose the path of the file is C:/abc/a1      //

z = x+y

return z

Now go to main module which isthe default module of WR.

type as:

call "c:abca1"();

c = Add(4+5)

Report_msg(c);   // or pause(c);  //

try out this how u can create user write programs while automation process

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  • May 1st, 2007

Hi ,

Compile module cannot be called by Call function
It is only be called by load()

like load("C://abc//a1",0);



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