What is t.code?what are the types is there?how many t.code is there?

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers

Samantak Chatterjee

  • Dec 14th, 2006

 Tcode = Transaction Code.

 Def  = A transaction code is a four-character command that tells the system  location of a task. Each SAP screen has a unique transaction code. A transaction code may contain only letters such as zstm or a combination of letters and numbers such as me51.

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t.code is TRANSACTION CODE.SAP offers more than one way of running an application which may be the existing standard SAP one eg. SE11, LSMW etc. OR developer-defined application/program (to which a t.code has been assinged). Using transaction codes we can run an application directly without consuming time in locating the program/application of interest.Lets have a simple example:REPORT ztcode.WRITE: /5 'MY TRANSACTION CODE'.We can run it by F8 & can have its effect(output), but if assigned a t.code, using it's t.code, same is done directly i.e. without locating the program thru object navigator(SE80) or abap editor(SE38)

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  • Aug 12th, 2007

T Code means   Transaction code.
It is the interface between different menu components. By using these t codes we can go directly to different menus with out failure.
Transaction code having maximum of four digits.In all module people using these transaction codes.  In transaction tables first two digits indicated for different people. For ABAP people it will start with  SE, for BW people it is SM like these these t codes are using    

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  • Feb 21st, 2008

t code is called as transation code in sap there are max of 4 letters word which takes the user to the specfied screen f eg. se38 takes the user to the abap editor where he can write his abap code

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