What is the basic difference internal tables and database tables? how can we differentiate by looking at the tables? Handling of internal tables

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  • Jul 3rd, 2005

what is the basic difference internal tables and database tables?? how can we differentiate by looking at the tables? 

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  • Aug 22nd, 2005

data base table are stored in the d/d serever.itabs are stored in tempmomory locations for the processing purpose.

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  • Oct 14th, 2005

internal tables are created during prog runtime and discarded if prog ends , and it doedn't hold data after prog termination/ends.whereas db tables holds data after prog termination/ends.

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  • Oct 26th, 2005

Internal table:when ever we declared in Program and executed in the RUN TIME only control cna allocate internal table ,when ever the Program closed the memory of internal table will be released by control. it means table will be created at RUNTIME only.these are not declared at Underlaying database.Database Tables:tables which are declared in Under laying database level,and it's memory is permanent.more clarification welcome.mail queries to my IDGood LuckSUNIL

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  • Jan 14th, 2006

the basic  difference is database tables are stored in db server

and the internal tables are virtual tables these r created run time only

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  • Feb 22nd, 2006

how can we differentiate  the two (internal and data base tables) just by looking at them.

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  • Jun 9th, 2006

by using tcode se11 or se16 we can see database tables but since internal tables are the runtime tables we can't see them as a table but using them we can see the output of the programm which is in a tabular form as designed in the internal table.


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  • Sep 24th, 2006

internal tables are created at runtime these table didnt have any permenat storage location.but in database table it have.

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  • Oct 6th, 2006

Internal tables:

internal tables are created dynamically,the memory of internal tables is not

permant memory ,for internal tables the memory will be created in the application server and it is external memory and terminates after the program termination.


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  • Apr 23rd, 2007

iternal table is a temparory table for using data calculation after program end it destroed.we can find the internal table using occurs clause.

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 Database tables are tables that exist physically in the form of (encoded)files while internal tables in SAP are virtual tables that are created @ runtime during program execution.
                 In other words, internal tables are volatile and gets deallocated from memory as the program terminates.

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  • Dec 9th, 2014

Internal tables are take space at run time only and after execution end its space is free . It is used to take the data from different tables and manipulate them . while in database table it need a physical space in memory .

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Mahesh Sinchulapu

  • Jul 27th, 2015

1. Internal Tables are temporary table and these are using during run time or execution only in SAP ABAP, Its data is invalid.

2. Dictionary Tables or Data Base Tables are permanent tables which are stored the data permanently and valid.

3. Data Base tables contains Primary-Keys it means unique fields and where Internal Tables contains standard-Keys it means non-numeric fields i.e C (Character) and N (Numeric).

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