How to calculate Time required to execute test cases?

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  • Nov 22nd, 2006

by using transaction method

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  • Dec 12th, 2006

The required time can be calculated by observing the following points,

  1. Depending up on the project shedule time
  2. Depending up on the risk involved in the perticuler module from which we have genarated the test cases.
  3. By checking the seviarity and prearity involved module.



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  • Jan 17th, 2007

If you plan to work 12 to 14 hours per day including weekends, you will burn your team out. I honestly believe that a manager is being irresponsible by making such plans. If you do not have enough time, then hire more testers. The budget will stay the same due to the amount of overtime being paid and your testers will be fresh and productive. This metric is carried out by means of a simple spreadsheet that is based on an 8 hour day, which will be mapped against the total time left to complete the testing task. (i.e. total time required to test / 8 hours = number of testing days required, which is then divided by the time left to achieve target date = number of testers required). If for example you need 560 hours to complete the testing task, but only have 10 working days to target delivery date ? 560 / 8 = 70 testing days, 70 / 10 working days to delivery date = 7 testers required.

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  • Jan 30th, 2007

There is formula for this:-

Tm=[Ln (Dp/Dp+0.5)/Ln((Dp+0.5)/(Dd+Dp)] * Td

Tm---minmum defect free testing time.
Dp---Projected number of defect deliverables(as mentioned by the client per LOC)
Dd---number of defects detected so far
Td---Hrs spent on testing since the last defect was found.

Say the result is 4 hrs then you have to test the app again for 4 hours.
After 4 hours:-
1.Stop testing if no defect is found.
2.If defect is found reapply the formula and get the hours you need to spend further.

Hope this answers:-

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