What is the difference between checked and verified?

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  • Dec 6th, 2006

We use the term "validation" instead of checking.  To put in a single sentence, validation or checking is makingsure we are making the right product and verification is to find out if we are making the product right.  Verification is making sure the product is being made following a predefined set of rules, where as validation is making sure the product is in compliance with the predefined standards. 

Last, but not the least, validation takes place at the end of verification.



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I agree with Gayatri's comment.

Cheking is nothing but actual testing (Validation).

Validation: Validation ensures that functionality, as defined in requirements, is the intended behavior of the product; validation typically involves actual testing and takes place after verifications are completed.

Verification: Verification ensures the product is designed to deliver all functionality to the customer. It typically involves reviews and meetings to evaluate documents, plans, code, requirements, and specifications. This can be done with checklists, issues lists, walkthroughs and inspection meetings.



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  • Jan 31st, 2007

To some extent, the other given information given by the friends above is accepted. But in real practice that above definitions will not be used. As per my expertise, we use to define the above two terms as follows:

Check: Once coding is done for a particular functionality, we assign the code to reviewer for the review using some predefined checklist, standards and templates that are in place. This is to check if we have implemented right standards and protocals to achieve the required functionality.

Verify: Once the check of the code is done, we verify the code by deploying in test server with available test cases. Here the intention is to verify/crosscheck if the above developed code has achieved the intended functionality...

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Vijjijjub's - For checking you have described about the verification. Here you are verifing the code is written as per the requirement, it may be stanard, check list or template.Where as in verification you are validating the application for the intended use which is Validation..Regards,D.Sivaraam sivaraam_sai@yahoo.co.in

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There is a subtle but significant difference between the terms "check" and "verify".

CHECK:  An critical observation... To examine something in order to determine something.  For example, a tester can check login functionality to determine whether or not it is working properly.

VERIFY:  An assessment... Confirmation that something is true.  For example, testers verify that the login functionality meets requirements. 

It would be correct to say, "I checked the login functionality to verify it meets requirements".  Here you are simply stating that you examined the condition of the login functionality to confirm it is doing what it is supposed to do.

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