How do you handle unexpected events and errors?

WinRunner uses exception handling to detect an unexpected event when it occurs and act to recover the test run. WinRunner enables you to handle the following types of exceptions: Pop-up exceptions: Instruct WinRunner to detect and handle the appearance of a specific window.
TSL exceptions: Instruct WinRunner to detect and handle TSL functions that return a specific error code.
Object exceptions: Instruct WinRunner to detect and handle a change in a property for a specific GUI object.
Web exceptions: When the WebTest add-in is loaded, you can instruct WinRunner to handle unexpected events and errors that occur in your Web site during a test run.

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers

shireesha v

  • Jul 25th, 2006

i want clear step by step procedure to insert exception with example

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  • Feb 15th, 2007

I have 40 scripts . Each scripts will be executed and closed with the help of call_close from main script.If an unexpected error occurs in any script then the winrunner should stop executing that particular script , close the window it was handling and should return the control to the main script so that it will call_close the next scripts.The winrunner pop up should be handled or winrunner pop up should not be triggered

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Amit kumar

  • Sep 27th, 2007

Friends this is one of the most important question during the learning of functionality tools...Particular in winRunner functionality tool u can handle it by in-built defined Handler function or User defined Handler function.A user defined Function has the following structure...

                                    class function name()
Here class of the function can be either static or public.A static function is only to test within the function ,where it was defined.Make this function as a compile module,so that your machine can generate an executable file to handle the operation.reload ur function and after the operation unload it...

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