Can we create a class in a method if it is possible how to access that class?

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  • Nov 9th, 2006

See the following example.


By this way we can create inner classes in methods


class MyOuter2 {

private String x = "Outer2";

void doStuff() {

class MyInner {

public void seeOuter() {

System.out.println("Outer x is " + x);

} // close inner class method

} // close inner class definition

MyInner mi = new MyInner(); // This line must come

// after the class


} // close outer class method doStuff()

} //

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santh kumar

  • Dec 19th, 2006

See the following code: public class InnerClassEx { public void test(int a) { final int p=a; final class X { public void a() { System.out.println("it's statement from inner class: " +p); } // End of a() } // End of class X X x=new X(); x.a(); } // End of test() public static void main(String[] args) { InnerClassEx e=new InnerClassEx(); e.test(20); } // End of main()} // End of class InnerClassEx there is someotherway also. in that, a method calls constructor of a class which in not known.that class is called as annonymous class.

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  • Jan 24th, 2007

You can create a class in a method as a normal way.That type of classes are known as "Method Local Inner Class". You can access the member variables as well as the methods of your Outer Class.You can access the variables of the method where you declare the Inner Class only after the variables decalred as "final" otherwise you will get an error.We cannot access the Method Local Inner Class outside of the method.You can create an object of the class after the declaration of the class.Consider the following ex: class MyOuter{ String str ="MyOuter"; void innerClass(){ final String s1 ="MyInner"; class MyInner{ void show(){ System.out.println(str + s1); } } MyInner mInner =new MyInner();; }}

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