What inputs you need to write test cases?

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  • Nov 5th, 2006

To prepare the test case first you should what are you going to test? i mean the what functionality you are going to test. based on that only you can prepare the test conditions and cases.

The first input required for preparing test conditions/cases is that a baselined Functional specification document

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  • Nov 7th, 2006

For writing test cases you need:1. Functional specification documents2. screen shots(if exist/)3. other help documents, related to the unit.Apart from this, you need to know the functionalities of each and every unit, and whether it is linked to any other unit./module (in case of integration testing)

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  • Nov 8th, 2006


For writing test cases you need:

1. Functional specification documents

2. Usecase Document

3.Entry and Exist criteria Documents

4.Sample inputs

Apart from this, you need to know the functionalities of each and every unit, and whether it is linked to any other module.



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  • Nov 9th, 2006



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  • Nov 9th, 2006


before write a test case. we need user requirment specification,functional specification and test plan

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  • Nov 14th, 2006

The Input need to write the test cases are

Bussiness Requirement specification.

System Requirement specification

High Level document Design.

Low Level document Design.

sudhakar kolla,

Email ID:kollasudhakar2005@yahoo.co.in.


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Use case document might be really useful, in case its not there a functional spec might do provided you do a kind of exploratory testing on the product. (to understand the application).The fact is that you can write good test cases when you have good understanding of the application, you do not need any input at all! (I do it :-) )

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  • Dec 12th, 2006

what do u mean by high level and low level designing specifications?1 more q. i would like to ask.suppose tester raise issue over a bug and developer says no.this cycle repeats over 10 times.what will be the testers role?

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  • Dec 12th, 2006


while running test script in QTP how we will stop the test?

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  • Dec 18th, 2006


I saw ur answer. I am not agree with ur approach. you said before writing Test Cases u need all documents. In this time i ask one question!Then what is called Exploratory Testing....

Actually what is the pre condition (I/P) to write a Test cases is....

First you should analyse what are you going to test? Based upon functinality or some what performance based? Based upon that only you can prepare the test conditions and cases.

If ur PM ask to write one test cases, but he is not providing any requirement analysis / use case / any document /  but he explain manualy. what ur going to do.. that appproach is Exploratory....based upon our knowledge we can write some observations know.

Correct me if i am wrong!!!



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  • Dec 18th, 2006

Hai Brijesh

U said before writing TC u need both requirement specification / functional specification... if these are not there? what ur going to do.. how ur write test cases. my another question is What is called as exploratory testing..

Correct me if i am wrong!!!



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praveen kumar

  • Dec 22nd, 2006

Hi, to write testcase it is mandatory to have s/w RS document,by which we can select the usecases for the given module(which u have been alloted)

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rajani gandha

  • Jan 5th, 2007

1. functional specification document

2.screen shots

3.usecase documents

4.other help document related to that unit

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Hi Rani
                 If i am not making mistake you are asking about test case format...

To write test cases for any any application you need to prepare a format to which your company is implementing.....Mostly these following fields are should be in this format

1: Serial No.
2: Test case id
3: Page Url: (If any or in case of online applicatin)
4: Test Input
5: Test Condition
6: Expected Results
7: Actual Result
8: Severty
9: Priority
10: Bug status (Pass or Fail)
11: Assigned to (Your TL or direct developer)
12 : Detected By: (your name i.e tester)

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Q: suppose tester raise issue over a bug and developer says no.this cycle repeats over 10 times.what will be the testers role?

Give all ur inputs to ur lead and let ur lead escalate the situation to dev lead. Before doing this make sure that u r on right track (regarding the details of the issue raised by U)

Correct me if I am wrong!!!!

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The following are required to author test cases:
1) Business Requirements Document (BRD)
2) Technical Specification Document (TSD)

The following are nice to have:
1) Test Plan
2) Architectural Diagram(s) 
3) Work-flow Diagram(s)
4) Approved Application Mock-ups

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