In bug tracking process for which we give importance for Severity or Priority?

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  • Oct 30th, 2006

In bug tracking process we will be having the two options SEVERITY and PRIORITY.

Severity is

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  • Oct 30th, 2006


Severity is confined to Test Engineer.

Priority is confined to Developer.

Once the defect profile is received by the developer from the tester he will be first look into the defects with the Priority as CRITICAL then HIGH , MEDIUM and LOW.

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  • Oct 31st, 2006

Severity is important according to Testing Team perceptive while raising a defect. Where as Priority comes first while executing the Bug....Coz based on the priority only we (testers) will decide which to execute first and not.

So both are important in different directions.

Severity will be given by Testers and Priority will be given by Business Analyst or by Delivary Managers.

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sudhir deshmukh

  • Nov 3rd, 2006

It depends on the condition for example there is release time and there are two bugs the first one is if you inter a 100 word password then the system will crash and the second one is the GUI related bug in which your company name spelling   is not correct. And you can solve only one bug this time due to less time then


For password related bug I will assign: high severity, low priority

For GUI related bug I will assign : high priority, low severity.

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Hellow All, I think the above ans are not satisfies the question what actually the person asking.. Here he asking for which we can give importance? As a test engineer we mentioned the sev and priority.. and not given any importance... The importance will come while executintg the test cases or done regression testing for a tester .. and for dev will come while fixing the bugs..Pls let me know if i'm wrong?srinivasulu.B (

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Pradeep R

  • Nov 13th, 2006

Bug Tracking process is some thing is like this. Once the bug has been raised, then the tester has to track the bug till closer.

Once the defect is logged we will specifiy the Severity. And Team lead will prioritze the bug bag/defect based on High, Medium and Low. This is done in a analysis process called Defect Analysis report. Here Test Lead, Development Lead, QA lead, PM will be the actors. They will discuss and aggree upon priority of the defect where they will decied which they will fix for the next build and which will be fixed later. After that in the next build they will fix all the bugs based on the priority. And now the tester has to verify and closed/Re-issue the defects.

Bug tracking is tracking the defects from open to close status.

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  • Nov 16th, 2006

As per tester point of view severity is importent one. Beacause tester only can specify severity as per bug impact wise. Prority is How fast it should fix by developer?.

If tester point of view severity high, but developer may not consider that bug as importent one.... Finally prority is going to place importent role for fixes time.

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  • Nov 27th, 2006


Severity & Priority will be given by the tester while logging the defects. and it shd be approved by his/her superior.

Severity defines how worst the functionlity is working.

Priority defines how fast the reported issues shd be fix.

(if defect is a showstopper then it will be critical&high like wise we have to assign)

and more over these will be depend on test case priority also.

while fixing the bugs developers mainly concentrate on these two areas to filter and fix the bugs.

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  • Nov 30th, 2006

hi.. now a days, severity and priority are assigned by tester himself who is testing the applicaiton.  The showstopper bugs are all severity - urgent, priority - Level 1 bugs.  The developers will have to fix all Level 1 bugs within 8 hours.  Normally the new build will be deployed for Level 1 bugs. 

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Anand Amalan

  • Dec 18th, 2006

Hi All.

Severity : How the bad bug reflects its impact to the product and to the user.

Priority : How the importence to fix the bug. what based we can fix. Either Immediate or High or Medium or Low.


Anand Amalan

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  • Dec 21st, 2006


This is lakshmi prasanna.seviarity and prioprity are interrelated.A tester/developper should give priority based on the seveority of the bug only.

seviority is:the impact of the bug on the application.

priority:how soon it should get fixed is the priority.

some times low siviority bugs may have high priority,but high siviority bugs should never have low priority.

let's take an example,in Google site,if one 'o' is missing in the Logo of Google in the home page itself,then it shold get fixed immediately that means it is having high priority but low seviority.


lakshmi prasanna.B(

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  • Jan 27th, 2007

Hi, In the process of bug tracking both severity and priority are important. This depends on the type of the bug detected while executing the test cases.Ex- If a bug is reported and it is effecting the that functionality of the software which in turn effects the bussiness rules effecting the end user directly will be considered a sev1 and a pri1 and it needs to be fixed asap.If a hyperlink or contact info is not working as expected then its low severity but high priority.

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  • Feb 11th, 2007

Priority is the final & ultimate decision before the product is shipped

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