What is sysda?

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  • Oct 30th, 2006

It is a generic term used to reference a Disk device as opposed to a Tape device.

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  • Dec 5th, 2006

 that is the unit parameter while referring a data set

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  • Dec 5th, 2006

when we give UNIT = SYSDA, then there is no need to mention volume for the dataset. we use this when we want to create a temporary dataset for testing purpose and allocates volume randomly and deallocates after the JCL execution.

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  • Jan 10th, 2007

It's a default disk drive, which is used in the system

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Lal Chand Sharma

  • Jan 12th, 2007

As already said by people its a UNIT parameter.

SYSDA = UNIT, other possible value is TEMP.

UNIT parameter basically tells where exactly on a volume you are storing your data set and when you specify UNIT =SYSDA it  means you are storing on permanent storage there.

When you specify UNIT  = TEMP, it means its a temporary storage on your volume where you are storing the dataset.

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SYSDA is normally temporary disk storage space.  Depending on your shop, it may only be wiped once or twice a year.  Other shops enforce dataset being on the for less than 8 hours.
It's usually used for very short term datasets like SORTWKxx or passed datasets.

SYSDA is a system dependant esoteric, meaning it may be called something else in a different shop.

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  • Oct 11th, 2011

UNIT=SYSDA refers to the next available disk storage device.

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