Difference between object-oriented programming and procedure oriented programming

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  • Oct 27th, 2006

The object oriented program deals with objects created on the basis of classes

example: java,c++..

but procedure oriented program deals with functions



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  • Dec 13th, 2006

In Procedural programming,Programmer combines related sequences of statements
into one single place, called procedure. A procedure call is used to invoke the
procedure. After the sequence is processed, flow of control proceeds right after
the position where the call was made. But the approach in oops is that classes
and objects are used to model real world entity taking help of methods which
performs the functions.

Emphasis is laid on tasks in prod. approach whereas in oops concept emphasis
is on things that does the tasks.

Thanks- Sapna

Pushpa Siva Kumar

  • Dec 14th, 2006

Procedure oriented programming - Gives importance to algorithm rather than data. It follows Top-down structures.

example : Pascal and C

Object oriented programming - Gives importance to data rather than algorithm.  It follows Bottom-up structures.Every thing is viewed as an object.It includes features like data hiding, polymorphism,encapsulation and message passing.

example : C++ and Java



  • Aug 14th, 2007

This is method of thinking to resolve the problem ( implimenting the applicaiton using software languages).
        - POP : Procedure thinking   ( modular approach of solve the problem)
         -OOP : Object Thinking ( object oriented thinking to solve the problem).



  • Dec 29th, 2009

OOP mainly concentrate on data of the program but POP is concentrate on structure of the program.

OOP is a  "BOTTOM UP " approach style, becuse it starts execution from bottom to top whereas POP is a  " TOP DOWN " approach style, because it starts execution from top to bottom.

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arun maru

  • Jan 21st, 2010

POP basically depends on data directly.  If data get change whole procedure has to be effected, while in OOP we deal with real time operations on data and not directly on data. 

OOP supports classes, objects and also
1. Incapsulation - Wrape the data in single unit
2. Inheritance - Aqure the prop. of parent class
3. Polymorphism - Same function can be used with different signatures


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  • Jul 12th, 2010

In procedure oriented programming small piece of code is accessed by data.... But in object oriented paradigm the data is accessed by code...

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  • Aug 6th, 2011

Object Oriented Language is a language which divided into small objects from language a program. But Procedural Language is divided into module

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  • Aug 7th, 2011


*when it was divided the program by object by object
*it is a top to down process and bottom to top
*it was more security


*it is divided by function by function
*its only top to down process
*it has less security

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  • Aug 7th, 2011

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) has brought a new era in programming world while we were familiar with Procedure Oriented Programming (POP). To do well in programming we should have sound idea about two of them. In the next we will try to distinguish among OOP and POP.
The basic difference between Procedure Oriented Programming and Object Oriented Programming are as follows:

Procedure Oriented Programming (POP)
1. Main program is divided into small parts depending on the functions.
2. The Different part of the program connects with each other by parameter passing & using operating system.
3. Every function contains different data.
4. Functions get more importance than data in program.
5. Most of the functions use global data.
6. Same data may be transfer from one function to another
7. There is no perfect way for data hiding.
8. Functions communicate with other functions maintaining as usual rules.
9. More data or functions can not be added with program if necessary. For this purpose full program need to be change.
10. To add new data in program user should be ensure that function allows it.
11. Top down process is followed for program design.
12. Example: Pascal, Fortran

Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
1. Main program is divided into small object depending on the problem.
2. Functions of object linked with object using message passing.
3. Data & functions of each individual object act like a single unit.
4. Data gets more importance than functions in program.
5. Each object controls its own data.
6. Data does not possible transfer from one object to another.
7. Data hiding possible in OOP which prevent illegal access of function from outside of it. This is one of the best advantages of OOP also.
8. One object link with other using the message passing.
9. More data or functions can be added with program if necessary. For this purpose full program need not to be change.
10. Message passing ensure the permission of accessing member of an object from other object.
11. Bottom up process is followed for program design.
12. Example: C++, Java.

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Structured Programming: Structured programming takes on the top-to-bottom approach. It splits the tasks into modular forms. This makes the program simpler and easier to read with less lines and codes.

This type of program accomplishes certain tasks for that a specific reason. For example, invoice printers use structured programming. This type has clear, correct, precise descriptions. Object Oriented programming: This type of programming uses sections in a program to perform certain tasks. It splits the program into objects that can be reused into other programs. They are small programs that can be used in other software. Each object or module has the data and the instruction of what to do with the data in it.

This can be reused in other software directly. Object oriented programming supports the following concepts Abstraction: Process of forming of general and relevant information from a complex scenarios. Encapsulation: Localization of information within an object.

This also leads to Information Hiding Inheritance: Is a process by which one object acquires the properties of another object Polymorphism: allows the programmer to use “one interface for œmany functions

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Aman Bhardwaj

  • Sep 14th, 2011

I would like to know about Top-down and Bottom-up Structure with example

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Dinesh Kumar

  • Sep 19th, 2011

Procedural programming creates a step by step program that guides the application through a sequence of instructions. Each instruction is executed in order. Procedural programming also focuses on the idea that all algorithms are executed with functions and data that the programmer has access to and is able to change.

Object-Oriented programming is much more similar to the way the real world works; it is analogous to the human brain. Each program is made up of many entities called objects. Objects become the fundamental units and have behavior, or a specific purpose, associated with them. Objects cannot directly access another object’s data. Instead, a message must be sent requesting the data, just like people must ask one another for information; we cannot see inside each other’s heads. Benefits of Object-Oriented programming include:

ability to simulate real-world event much more effectively
code is reusable thus less code may have to be written
data becomes active
better able to create GUI (graphical user interface) applications
programmers are able to reach their goals faster
Programmers are able to produce faster, more accurate and better-written applications (in the case of a veteran programmer, by a factor of as much as 20 times compared with a procedural program).

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  • Mar 30th, 2012


1>Importance is given to the sequence of things to be done.
i.e algorithms
2>Larger programs are divided into functions.
3>Mostly functions share global data i.e data move freely around the system from function to function.
4>Adding of data and function is difficult.
5>No access specifier.
6>Operator cannot be overloaded.
7>Top-down approach.
8>Basically depends on data directly.
9>Less security.
10>No perfect way for data hiding.

1>Importance is given to the data.
2>Larger programs are divided into objects.
3> mostly the data is private.
4>Adding of data and function is easy.
5>There are public,private,protected specifiers.
6>Operator can be overloaded.
7>Bottom-up and to-down Approaches.
8>Not directly depends on data.
9>more Security.
10>Data hiding is possible.
Ex:- C++,Java

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  • May 10th, 2012

the main difference b/w pop and oops is ...

pop is based on function and oops is based on classes and objects.

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  • Jul 3rd, 2013

In procedure oriented programming more emphasis is given to code rather to data.The given large program is divided in to a number of functions.Those functions are again dived in to sub-functions and so on.no need to maintain relation between data and function does not provide security.No restriction to the data.It follows top-down approach.

In object oriented programming preference is given to the data rather than code.data is restricted to its functions.data binds to its functions.It divides the problem in to a number of entities called as object.It follows bottom-up approach.

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