Can anyone explain me the differences B/w Product and Project Testing???

Questions by bkkemparaju

Showing Answers 1 - 14 of 14 Answers


  • Oct 12th, 2006


Here i am giving a small Ans for Ur Q,

Product: is nothing but Generic, the requirements is coming from the internal client, where as

Project:it is specific, the requirements coming from the external client

if u found any new Ans let e know pls.

Thank U

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  • Oct 17th, 2006

Product means which satisfies the universal requirements, We will call them as productProject : which is going to satisfy only percticular client requirements

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Archana Ojha

  • Dec 6th, 2006

Application is more specific for a particular business requirement where as product is more generic.

In other words, application is used for solving particular problem or specific need, where as product looks at broader sense.

Requirement Phase:

When you build an application you look at particular user/client and understand their requirements. But for building a product the requirements are gathered not by looking at a single user but one does market survey and come up with most likely features that cross section
of users will look at.
These requirements are not only functional requirements but also platform/hardware requirements.
Typically product offers set of features then it's up to the organizations to use some or all of them.

In some cases Product don't have all the required features, in such case it is customized to suite the need, in such case this implementation/customized version of product can be considered as


Typically application is supported on single platform, the one that target organization has.  For products it's variety of OS, hardware etc, you must have see typically product matrix. Hence it is necessary to test the product on all the combinations.


Though it is not completely true but in most cases, once application is developed there are few enhancements. Also bug fixes are typically completed before User Acceptance testing. Since for product there is not a single customer, there is no UAT as such, once QA certifies product is released to market. Very fact that product is generic and is suppose to work in different scenarios it's very difficult to exhaust all the scenarios during QA testing, and as you know the defects are found in released product. The bug fixes for these are handled by patch releases (Microsoft is very good example for these patch releases, you must have seen SP1, SP2 etc even for OS). This means configuration management is complex for Products.

Otherwise rest of the software lifecycle stages like specs, development, impact analysis are identical.

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  • Dec 22nd, 2006

Simple Answer: -Product is Windows OS a product of MS, Dairy Milk a Product of Cadbury.Project : -For example Microsoft outsources some of the components to be developed by some other company , it is a project. At the same time lets take an example of a Santro car it is a product of Hyundai and the tyres are from MRF or Ceat , so we cant say car manufacturers are MRF, they have just done one component for them.Product companies are like Microsoft, yahoo etc.Project or service based companies are like Infosys , TCS etc.

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  • Jan 2nd, 2007

One product can be used by diif Co. and features of products are always self define by the company but it can b customised as per customer requirments.....basic fetures are same...... requirments are post define by client.....

projects are always developed as per the customer requirments and each customer hav diff requirmnets......requirments are pre define

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  • Jan 2nd, 2007

Thanks for ur answer.....



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Satyanarayana Raju

  • Jan 5th, 2007

Product needs R&D(Research and Development).We will get Product requirements from R&D(w.r.t Product Manager).

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  • Feb 12th, 2007

Hi In simple u can say that product is the outcome of a project.2.when the project is started the test leader will use project risks to manage the capability to deliver.some of the projects risks can be include.supplier issues(conttratual issues such as meeting acceptance criteria)organisational factors like shortage of training,skill and shortage of staff..quality of design and many more like this are the project risks related over come this proper rewiew,metrics etc .......are to be followed.3.before product is released to the customers.products potential failure areas are tested so that the released software/appl is not error proned,potential that the defect in thesofware could cause harm to individual/company,sofware does not meet the requirements see this doesnt happen funtional,nonfunctional test,security etcc........... testings can be done.which can be called as product testing. any changes are appreciated shafi

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